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DH and his anger about skids directed at me AGAIN!!!!

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Sorry this is not going to be pretty and it will not be clean, you have been warned!

What the hell is it with some of these men that when they get all fucking butt hurt that skids do not have anything to do with them they wanna get all pissy and take their anger out on SM, their fucking wife, the one that bends over backwards to make their lives better while the sex trophies keep living on with out a fucking care in the world. Ready to move upstairs to the guest suite. Cannot wait to get this house on the market and add to my cash stash.


Ninji's picture

This happened to me just last week. SO was angry about SS and was being mean to me. I told him I was sorry he was going through a hard time with SS but he wasn't going to take it out on me.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

What doesn't make sense is my DD is sweet and kind and loving but every time I take time out for her he gets a hair up his ass. I told him that his kids are the ones that treat him like shit and that was NOT my DD. Mind you NONE of the kids live with us anymore. I was helping my DD move the remaining items out of our house and I drove her home.

Me driving DD home and helping her pack up was his issue. It did not affect him at all. It actually got our house empty. Well except for the trash and crap left behind by YSD a year ago... I was supposed to make DD do it all by herself. Hell even YSD had her MOTY BM come into my home and help her move out. YES fucking BM was in my MF home!!!!!!

Just because his sex disappointments never helped us around our house does not mean my DD didn't. My daughter would get up at the ass crack of dawn and help me with holiday dinners. She would help me do special cleaning. She actually walked my dogs. those little demons of his would wake up just as I was finishing holiday dinners, eat and then announce they were going back to bed for a "power nap". Meanwhile I am left to clean the whole kitchen after me and DD spent 2 days prepping food and cooking. I am beginning to hate that AHH of mine like I hate his penis dribbles.

Sports Fan's picture

They never learn. Our Trophies are jerking DH around again this weekend. SS wants to do something Friday night so DH is picking SD up and going back out on Saturday morning to get SS. 45 minutes each way so an extra hour and a half of driving. He keeps telling them that if they don't give him notice he's not going to do stuff like this. SS gave no notice again and the event was planned a month ago. And of course it means cancelling our plans again. Keep sucking up to them. Sure, that will work. All they are learning is that DH will move heaven and earth every time they ask and they don't have to show him any consideration or common courtesy. And when they get to our house all they do is hide in their rooms anyway.

Mani/Pedi and shopping for me so have fun DH!

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Yup, this little crotch dropping have no consideration for anyone that is nice to them or goes out of their way for them, it is just expected. God how I turned my life upside down for these leeches and not one has turned out even remotely normal. At least we changed our cell numbers last month and now they cannot call us or give BM our numbers. YSD did contact my DD by text that simply said, "Call me". Yeah DD is not calling her anytime soon. SS and OSD has never seen my GB either. They have never called DD or even asked about GB or DD.

Unfortunately, I have AHH 50th b-day coming up and I already planned something fun for him every single Saturday this month. There are 5 Saturdays in October to celebrate 10 years of his life every Saturday down to going to an expensive theme park, hotel stay, and I even have to board my puppies. I hate that I am now going to have to endure this with him. I am so pissed, I really thought after our counseling that we were past this bullcocky! Nope I was his verbal punching bag yet again.

Oh wait he even took it a step further. He is always bitching about "his hard earned money". Mind you I make a decent living and only about 10-20 grnad less a year than him. It is not a salary to scoff at. Mind you when married to BM she took their money and did whatever with it. He actually said something about not being in that same position again. I DO NOT GIVE OUR MONEY AWAY! Oh I could go on and on about this crap.

Sports Fan's picture

I'm in the same boat. DH's birthday is a week away and I would bet my entire salary skids won't even wish him a happy birthday. He will be upset and not want to celebrate due to his hurt feelings. I'll get the attitude for a week because they didn't remember his birthday.

Our BM has never worked and also spent money on whatever she wanted. I work and make a decent salary. DH makes quite a bit more than me but 40% of it goes to BM. The reality is we wouldn't be doing well if I didn't work.

Just once it would be nice to get some appreciation instead of the constant bitching at the wrong person.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Just once it would be nice to get some appreciation instead of the constant bitching at the wrong person.

This totally this!!!!! I paid for 3 damn disrespectful snots and what do I get in return??? He bitches about how he works hard. I work 40+ hours a week in an office that I ran by myself for about 5 yrs. with retraining a new person every couple of months to 2 yrs. Let me not get on that soap box but... IF he starts bitching I try talking telling him my side, my view but I still can not get a whole sentence out. He cuts me off, yells, screams, I did not cry I did not fight this time. If I try to tell him I had 3 kids, BM and him against me he tries to turn it around and talk about his pain and suffering. Well, dickhead YOU chose to procreate with a psycho bitch from hell. You chose to stay married to herpes whore for 20 years. THAT IS NOT MY FAULT!!! and I am sick and tired of paying that bitches debt. Paying for her kids and dealing with a psycho unbalanced possibly autistic husband. UGH hating my home life right now.

zerostepdrama's picture

I would not refer to my skids as sex trophies... that is nothing to brag about. Even though these days people get trophies for just showing up.

I shall refer to them as sex disappointments Blum 3

Enjoy your mani/pedi!

FrenchPeas's picture

LMAO! Yeah XSD and her post about what she was doing with her life? It's a "surprise". Not really, NOTHING. That's the real answer she's mooching off daddy for the next 1-2 years. Let's take bets on XOSS making it thru boot camp. And he's saying he'll go to SEAL training. Maybe at SeaWorld. Clap and they throw you a fish. XYSS? The distinct honor of being dubbed "the kid with the WORST attitude in the entire grade". Good to see he follows in Daddy and XOSS's foot steps.

Such a winning crew. NOT

Sex Disappointments is right. As long as daddyyyyy is paying the bills, life is ssswwwweeeettttt.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Oh man Zero and French - You guys are so right on. Total sex disappointments. Oh and the living off daddy thing. So glad I am out of that situation. None of the skid marks have made anything of their lives. Still dancing on poles and SS is in jail in another state LOL My DD may be a 20 yr old mom but she is working, she pays 100% for that baby by herself, has her own place and is doing well for herself. My one gripe is she is not enrolled in college yet. I am really going to have to shoot a fire under her ass.

stepinafrica's picture

You do realize you are teaching them how to treat you? You should never have apologized. I deal with my skid just as I would my own - I tell him the truth. You need to tell your SD to get over herself.