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SD warmed my heart tonight

I love dogs's picture

I picked SD up today because DH had a business meeting this afternoon. We talked about a lot of different things and we found out 100% that her new sibling is a girl (I am now 20 weeks along)!

Anyway, she was in her room playing a game on the laptop with her friend and I asked her if she wanted dessert since I was getting some for us. She said yes so as I was walking away, she said "I see baby!"!! I have been really self conscious about being on the brink of "is she fat or pregnant?" and it really made me happy. I smiled, patted my belly and said "yep, there she is". 

She also asked me to do her hair braided/ curled tomorrow for picture day. She knows I love doing hair and I'm really excited. I've been kinda bitter about steplife lately but I think baby girl will bring us closer. She's already told all of her friends at school about her new sister.


queensway's picture

20 weeks, you are half way there. A baby girl!!!!!!!!!! How nice. Sounds like SD is excited about the baby and that helps. Nice to hear you are doing well.

I love dogs's picture

We wanted a girl, especially me, so I am over the moon! I'm getting a little anxious about being a first time mom but I know I'll have plenty of support. I have no idea how I'm going to have a newborn and take 2 classes next semester. I'll really need DH to be around a lot more.