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Update: SD psych eval

I love dogs's picture

They didn't have room at the local hospital so they are sending her 3 hours south for a 3-5 day eval. She is backtracking, saying she's fine, and is in disbelief she's being treated like she's suicidal with zero contact with the outside world and can't go to her friend's party this weekend.

Background: BM went to pick her up at 3 and had to pick up the younger kids at 330. SD told BM she wasn't going and to come back for her. BM said she was grounded but came back for her. When she got back to SD's school, SD was with the counselor saying she feels unsafe at home and they wouldn't let BM take her.

What in the world is going on?? I know SD can be rotten but even I'm shocked she did this. DH said she'll likely have to repeat 9th grade or at least the classes she's failing and be moved to a new school. 


thinkthrice's picture

that is all.  I was always a year younger than my peers.  My father thought kindergarten was pointless so shipped me straight into 1st grade 

Alone in a giant school with no friends and those were the days when parents just dumped you off at the bus stop even on your first day of school.  No parents escorting kids into the school or melodramatic filming of the school bus and jr. hopping on board.

I would have been shamed into oblivion had I engaged in this much attention seeking.  Yes, suicide is a serious subject but far too many youngsters pull out this card and then are shocked when they are under constant watch and cant have any "fun."

As Elaine Benis said "fake....fake, fake, fake ,fake, fake."

I love dogs's picture

I am so unbelievably disappointed and now don't know how to feel about her coming next month. When she was here last, she was in 3 clubs and was adjusting fine- or so I heard.

Puppiesandkitties's picture

If she were to come live with you, would she have her own room? I understand you are expecting another child soon, do you have room for all the kids? 

I love dogs's picture

Yes but she can't come live with us given that she is crying wolf to get BM in trouble.

Puppiesandkitties's picture

What is you husband doing for his daughter? If that was my kid I'd be there, nothing would stop me. Because honestly, being so far away, how do you even know what is really happening with her? 

I love dogs's picture

He was told no one can see her or talk to her so there's no point in buying a plane ticket to go sit with BM. She's going to call when she is allowed.

fourbrats's picture

hospital, social worker, or even the school counselor? All he has is BM's statement at this point. It is common for someone to backtrack on a suicide threat. It is also common for a child to deny they said things when presented with the parent they said things against. Your husband needs to be there getting information directly from the professionals involved. And you already said stepdad was borderline abusive.