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anyone called CPS on BM for allowing kid to skip school, innapropriate behavior for age, etc?

herewegoagain's picture

I am wondering if anyone has called CPS on BM for allowing her child to skip school for years, allow her child to have innapropriate behavior for the child's age, etc? DH was told by a friend that maybe that's the best way to go...I kind of agree, but then again I don't...

Here's my reasoning...

1. if he does, since 15yr old is preggo, this will put huge stress on a preggo child and possibly impact the baby (who has no fault in this madness
2. if he wants to do it, maybe he should wait until 15yr old gives birth, so that at that point baby is no longer in jeopardy AND if they want DH out of the picture (as they have wanted for years now), then crazy witch can sign for her daughter to get married instead of risking coming to live w/her dad...(I don't think that living with dad, when she has a baby and if the baby daddy is taking responsiblity is good for US or HER and baby)

On the other hand, if he doesn't call, she'll continue to miss school before she even gives birth, continue to fail and this child support nightmare and this whole mess will never end...she'll probably end up dropping out and so far behind, instead of at least catching up some before baby arrives

If you have called CPS, what was the result? Did CPS give your DH custody of the kids while investigating? Did you get custody forever if BM was found to be neglectful or was she allowed to "correct" her crappy parenting? Was it anonymous and did BM ever find out it was you that called? Did that just bring more drama into the whole mess?


Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

I honestly think you will open a can of worms that will do nothing but bite you back. The area I live in, CPS does NOTHING unless there is some serious neglect or abuse that they can really prove. Skipping school *might* get a slap on the hand, but that's about it.

Rags's picture

We only called CPS on the SpermClan once when they did not return our Son (my SS) from visitation on schedule.

CPS did nothing but tell us that it was a Family Court matter and we would have to contact the court (on Monday x2 days late).

We called the court ..... two days later, the judge said the SpermClan was in comtempt .......... but only until they returned the kid. Which means that there were ZERO consequences for the SpermClans refusing to comply with the Judgement.

When we finally hunted down the SpermClan and found our kid their answer was "Oh, we thought that we did not have to give him back until the first weekday after the visitation ended and that he traveled on your time not on our visitation time". I went absolutely Zulu on their ignorant toothless asses and went in to engineering math teacher mode.

I read them the judgement focusing on the section that covers visitation.

"Times for begining and ending visits shall be flexible to accommodate transportation arrangements. Visits shall end after an amount of time less than or equal to the period provided in this order. Thus, for example, a visit from Sept 25 through Oct 8 is a visit of two weeks, and (Mom) will be entitled to the return of the child after 336 hrs (24x14)has passed to the since (Mom) released the child to the care of (Dad). Stated differently, (Mom) shall be entitled to the return ofthe child on the final day of the visit, at or before the time at which she released the child to (Dad's) care on the first day of visitation".

The fun part was that we found them in a crowded restaurant in the middle of their dinner. I stormed in and read in a very clear voice that projected nicely throughout the establishement. They have never been late returning him again. Though he has "missed" a couple of flights due to traffic or weather problems.

We also called CPS on my ILs because of, lack of food in the house, the nasty condition of their home and lack of supervision of my wife's younger sister who was 15yo at the time. CPS told us that since my SIL was 15 she could fix or obtain food for herself, could clean the house if it was dirty and was old enough to make her own decisions on having sex, etc.......

In other words CPS is just another parasitic governement agency staffed by the bottom 10%er marginally employable idiots and does nothing but provide employment for the otherwise unemployable......... all at taxpayers expense.

IMHO of course.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

coySM's picture

yes. in my area it's a joke to call cps too. then when a child ends up dead it's their fault I say. I would thi nk especially sincd SD is 15, they might not do much? it seems when they are younger you'd have a better chance of cps acting on it, but that has no founding that is just a guess on my part.. what kind of inappropriate behavior?