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SD16 is sucking up

Helena.Handbasket's picture

And its so hard to watch SO fall for it.

SD16 got in trouble with daaaad because she was saying a lot of bad things on twitter. When you model it for her and you have no boundaries as to what you will watch with her or say in front of her WTF do you expect? What dad watches tosh.o with his daughter? One who obviously doesn't have any sense of embarrassment or modesty and doesn't teach his daughter to have either.

Well, SO called BM and told her to punish SD for the twitter stuff and he got on to her as well. SD has been with us since saturday so NOW she is back in to good girl mode. She's laying it on thick with me too and I just ignore or respond short. Obviously, she thinks everyone is as easily manipulated as her father.

Her normal behavior is to act like a self centered brat. SO has been complaining about this for over a month now. I promise you that after this visit, he will think she's great again. Once again, I will sit back and watch him fall prey to the manipulation. She'll play sweet, then back to the norm again. I'm glad I'm disengaged.

It is frustrating though because no matter how disengaged I am, I still have this "background noise" of sorts that is anger and frustration with her. I try so hard to stay away and keep it under wraps which takes a lot of energy sometimes.

I about vomited when she mentioned this weekend how excited she was for the baby. Seriously, hasn't said one thing or ask about seeing pictures this WHOLE time, yet suddenly she's so excited she'll "cry" when he's born. Blegh! Really? You won't be anywhere near me.


Helena.Handbasket's picture

I really hope my SO see's it.

He actually had the NERVE to tell me that he should send SD to a cheap private school (we know the people who run it) so that SD can just pass her classes and get her diploma. She's getting F's in public school where BM lives. I about fell over!

I said really? That's your solution? You send her somewhere to remain lazy and buy her way out of her behavior? What good will that do?

SO: Well what good will it do for her to have no diploma?
Me: Consequences. That's HER fault for those F's and you want to throw money at it?

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Well, its a "school" so to speak. its a small private school and they would probably let her get away with a bit more. Money talks.

He won't do it, because if she did that would mean she'd live with us and that would mean I would NOT be living with him. Honestly too, I would ream him for putting aside good principles just to cover for SD.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ha Ha.... I had never watched Tosh (which I do think is hilarious for ADULTS) until DH told me to watch it last year. DH told me to watch it, because SS who was 12 at the time, turned him on to it. Nice. SS was apparently watching it with BM, so DH figured he'd jump on the bonding bandwagon and do the same. Makes me want to barf the way that BM and DH are in this weird competition to be bestest buddies with SS instead of {gasp} parents. Probably explains why SS has been doing all the shitty things he has been doing in the past year. But BM and DH would rather blame it on everyone else.. teachers, friends, older sibling, possible ADD, boredom, purple pigs, and evil trolls before actually looking at themselves and thinking that {gasp again} they might be doing something wrong????

DH is doing the same thing with SD14 now that she has moved in with us... trying to be her bestest bud. DH royally pissed me off the other night, when we were all sitting in the living room and DH says "I guess SD14 went to crazy MILs to swim the other day!" SD14 laughs and says "Yeah, MIL wouldn't stop talking and all my friends thought she was weird" DH and SD14 giggled. Wow, that's real funny guys... so SD USES MIL because she wants some place for her and her little buddies to go swimming and then talks about how much she can't stand her? Real nice of you to condone that DH. I am well aware that DH does not like his mother, they have a love hate relationship and it is what it is. But I'm be hot damned if I will allow him to teach our BS2 that is OK to USE people and it is certainly NOT OK to disrespect your elders. I don't care if they are weird or not.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph... I just can't believe that I have to point this shit out to a grown man. What the hell happened to these men? Did BMs give them some fucked up koolaid to drink or what???

Helena.Handbasket's picture

daizy I swear we have the same SDs two years apart.

They don't care about the disrespect or manipulation unless its them (daaaaaad) who is the target. AND they dont' see how their behavior is inappropriate until SDs become indiscriminate and talk/watch mature stuff with another boy. THEN its gross. But doing this with dad is ok. Stupid fucks.