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capp1978's picture

Back when SD and I had a decent relationship I, yes I talked DH into leasing her a brand new car.  This was the worst mistake we could have made.  Our rules besides following the laws imposed by the state for teen drivers, was you have one sip of alcohol you call us and we will pick you up and 2.  NO SMOKING.  Her exact words were I don't even know anyone that smokes, that's gross.  Come to find out SD smokes herself.  When her car smelled of smoke I questionned her.  She came up with some story of why the car smelling like smoke, but of course no one smoked in the car.  DH believed her made up story.  After a few months of her driving this car, the smoking, the lying, the getting arrested, being busted by the police numerous times for underage consumption, drugs in her car and finding pics online of her behind the wheel with a beer in her hand I finally put my foot down and took the car away.  It should have been taken away far before this happened but DH kept giving it back to her.  

So now that we took the car from her we have an extra vehicle.  I drive the car every once in a while.  Today was one of those days.  I took it to the car wash and to vacuum it out.  There has always been a car seat cover on the front driver side seat.  I decided to finally take it off and to clean the car.  Only to find BURN HOLES under that carseat cover.  I call DH so upset over this and his response was "it's not that big of a deal, I don't see why you are so upset"


capp1978's picture

Yes and at the time we had a great relationship & I felt I could trust her.  I really think the car changed who she was.  Either that or she was really good at pulling the wool over our eyes.  Our thoughts were we wanted to see her in a safe and reliable vehicle.  Plus we figured if she got a beater we'd dumping money into the car left and right.  

My parents didn't lease but I always had great cars when I was young so I didn't see the problem with it.

WalkOnBy's picture

I think she was great at pulling the wool over your eyes.  Hard to see how an inanimate object could change who she really was...

capp1978's picture

She got a brand new car and became the cool kid.  New group of friends, new boyfriend.  Totally changed who she was.  She quit sports, her grades dropped, started skipping school, acting differently etc.  She had hopes and dreams.  She wanted to go away to college (talked about FL, CA etc.) now she barely graduated and is not going to college.

WalkOnBy's picture

Meh - the car didn't create that, it only allowed it to come out.   I would argue that it was more due to the change in friends than an hunk of metal.  

She is who she always was - she just didn't have to hide it anymore once she got the car.

Sorry you have to deal with all this...


ndc's picture

Does she work?  I'd start taking the money from her to pay for the new seat right away.  Live and learn.

Harry's picture

There will be no Christmas,birthday, marriage or any other gifts  until the seat is paid for.