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Hi not sure how to start but lately having issues with my BF due to BM. Just today he got upset with me becuase of BM switching his days for parenting time. BM enrolled him in a program at her college stating that it was a pre school but I went to open house they are accredited but the litle guy who is 3 trs will only be going 2 x a week for 4 hrs so that sounded more of day care that would be cutting into his parenting time plus the taking him and picking him so I suggested for him to ask he can make those hours up. He ended up calling her and argueing and she switched his days back to the court order now he wont be able to see him becuase he is going to work. At the end I was to blamed because I needed to be right and I to prove she had to be wrong. This far from my intention but this is not the only time something like this happens. I have 2 kids of my own from a previous relationship one 5 and the other 9. I just want to know if I was in the wrong and if next time he asks for my opinion not give it to him. Sincerely confused