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Please tell me it's not normal . . .

bah's picture

For a 30 year old SD to write "your little girl " instead of her name on the return address when she sent a card to DH. Although it's better the baby talk and hand fondling or chest caressing.




mommy0104's picture

I generally check the mail before my DH...and had I ever found anything addressed like this...i probably would've changed "your little girl" to "demon spawn of satan" hehehe }:)

WalkOnBy's picture

barf!!! :jawdrop: :sick:

Exjuliemccoy's picture


bah's picture

She does indeed. Disengaged a while back, so I have no idea who the current one is, but they are usually someone who comes with high drama - as in married, or otherwise committed. Guess she's got a thing for married men, including DH. Double EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


IslandGal's picture

:sick: Definitely NOT normal. If I wrote that on a card to my Dad, he'd send me off for a psych assessment.. she's pulling at his heart-strings so she can continue to manipulate him now and in the future.

She must be emotionally stunted or something.

bah's picture

Thanks for the reality check, all. When I hear how I'm uber critical, because DH doesn't see any manipulation going on here. . . good to know I'm not just a jealous bitch.


just bah

Willow2010's picture

Its really not that big of a deal. I get that you think it is gross but I would not point that out to DH or you WILL look like a jealous wife. JMHO.