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Stepdad in Trouble for not being a "yes man" to Skids

Auteur's picture

Ahhh stepfamily relations hit a new low over a peanut butter ball!!

Too bad photos of stepson aren't on here:

Of course if stepdad was a guilty biodad and allowed his heathens to eat the peanutbutter balls, I could see the frustration over the classic double standard.


Auteur's picture

Everyone has Asperger's nowadays or a "mild form of autism"

In most cases it's lack of discipline, lack of proper nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of exercise.

Take a kid,

add to the mix:

zero rules/structure boundaries
adult spousal status
junk food/fast food
no bedtimes
classwork/homework optional
no exercise
lots of vid games/tv/smart phone etc

And you WILL have a messed up kid that can replicate some sort of "disorder."

DaizyDuke's picture

I love the way the story is so one sided obviously told by kid... poor Kid wants PB ball, mean Step Dad says no, poor (starving)kid does it anyway, brutish step dad follows him into his room and slams him on the bed causing a lump the size of Texas on kids head... oh the humanity!

Now the REAL story... Bratty, entitled, disrespectful kid wants PB ball, step dad says no you've already had 27, kid says F-you I'll do what I want, Step dad says oh hell no, I won't be disrespected (kids probably been doing it for years) Step Dad pushes kid on the bed, kid skids across bed, taps head on wall and calls cops to show Step Dad who's REALLY boss in the house.

NEVER believe everything you read in a media story.. they only report what gets people riled up. They love the shock value. Why I don't watch the news or read the newspaper. Two sides to every story and the media only prints the side that is the most drama filled.

Willow2010's picture

The guy was drunk. I can't imagine anyone taking up for a drunk who attacked a minor just because he is a skid. I don't care how old my KIDS are, I would divorce my DH for attacking one of my kids. Especially if he was drunk. Not gonna happen.

Auteur's picture

I never believe the lamestream media b/c there's always a slant to the liberal "BMs and children first" side.

Peanut butter balls!!! MEH!