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Kid will be OK but SS is in big trouble!

AshMar654's picture

The kid that SS hurt is going to be ok. They were able to fix him up.

I got more of the story last night too. SS broke a big rule and is in big trouble. For those of you who keep saying my SO does not parent he does. He is the one that is always laying down the punishments. This time no tablet/video games, he lost the privilege of having a T.V. in his room out our house, no friends coming over or him going to a friends house for a while...probably a month.

The last thing is all three of us were suppose to go to a baseball game tonight. It is my work summer outing. Since it is my work and people I deal with on a regular basis I told SO I do not think he should be allowed to come anymore. He broke a major rule but he still gets to go to a baseball game....Sorry this one is my call because it is my job. SO agreed and said you are right it would be like a reward for bad behavior.

Since my Mom lives near to where the game will be I asked her if she would mind watching him while SO and I still go to the game and we will pick him up after the game. She said ok. I threw in there do not spoil him, he is in trouble.

Before any of you say anything about how SO should not go or I should not are already paid for and they were 25 each. I explained to my boss what happened. Instead of wasting 50 dollars we will only be wasting 25. This has been planned for a while and I am not bailing because my future SS did something wrong.


AshMar654's picture

No he is not. He has never done that he only left his son with his parents if he was away for work. When we first started dating we would go out only if his sister offered to watch his son. SO did ask once in a while but not often.

The kid can go read a book or play with toys in his room. OMG so awful to make it so an 8 year old is not entertained by technology. He will manage. During the day he will be in daycare.

Acratopotes's picture

glad DH is standing firm on punishment for now.... I hope he can pull it through for a whole month and SS is not even to see his paternal grand parents cause they will not worry about his punishment.

Glad that the adults is still going out, why should we stay at home due to a kid being punished..

now one thing that got my neck hairs up - why the hell would a child need a TV in his room? If I remember your SS is young 8ish? He will not get the TV back in his room, you have no idea how damaging a TV in a child's room can be..

ESMOD's picture

I have a feeling that the TV in kid's room is a way that parents can get the kids out of their hair these days. It keeps the kids off the main TV so the parents don't have to fight with them about what is on.

I remember growing up, we only had one TV and there were conflicts occasionally when two shows came on at the same time. (way back before DVRs)

Acratopotes's picture

The person paying for the cable and TV gets to watch what ever...

I'm sorry but no child of mine will have a screen in their room, nor dictate what I watch on TV... they can be glad they are allowed to watch TV now and again and not pay for it lol...

I simply hate screens in any bedroom..... not even in my own bedroom, dammit it's a bedroom not a tv room

AshMar654's picture

I still agree with you. When I was 16 I got a TV in my room and honestly I still did not watch it that much. After College I was in my 20 so I moved back home had my TV still. Once I moved out on my own I didn't have a tv in my room. My ex-boyfriend and I had one in the living room that was it. I never really cared what was on. After he left I still just had the one TV in the living room. I told my SO we will not have one in our room at all. We have a basement that is partially finished show there will be a rec room down there with a second TV.

I hardly watch TV to be honest I listen to music mostly.

ESMOD's picture

We only have one TV in our home.. in the living room. Growing up back in the Ice Age.. I actually did have my "own" TV for a while when I was younger... maybe 4-5. It was in the guest room. I was doing the eye patch and the doctors told my parents that watching TV would be good for me.

In HS, we didn't even have ONE tv. lol.

AshMar654's picture

Trust me a TV in a kids room not my idea at all. I mentioned it when we first got together how isn't he young for that. Not my kid and was not my house. To be fair they do live with g-parents and they are not the best about changing the channel to kid friendly shows when kid is awake an in the living room or telling SS to go play upstairs. SO will watch movies in his room with his son sometimes.

Part of me gets it but the other part is like really! Again not my house not my kid. I do agree with you.

They are going grocery shopping.

Acratopotes's picture

what's wrong with telling a kid to go and play in his room and be banned from TV?

Why can't SO and SS watch a movie with you in the normal TV room?

Why do you have to change the TV channel to kid friendly program every time they walk in? Bullshit... these kids have cellphones and you name it, play stations.. and most of those games are not kid friendly, they are watching far worst things on their cellphones then what Gran is watching down stairs... they already know all the swearing words, so all off those excuses are simply excuses I am sorry.

And I will make sure kid does not get the TV back in his room, cause if he watches TV in his room, you have no clue what he actually watch.... cause you are down stairs doing your own thing.

AshMar654's picture

I still agree with you. The g-parents will have shows on that involve cursing, boobs, violence, pretty bad actually, yes it is there house and they pay the bill. I really do not know. I think it came down as way for the kid to be entertained and bother the g-parents as much while my SO was traveling.

My parents had a TV in their room growing up the family TV was meant for the family so yeah shows were pretty pg most of the time till we got older.

SS8 does not have a cell phone. My SO is really opposed to him getting one anytime soon. The Aunt said she would get him one and pay for my SO said NO he is way to young.

ESMOD's picture

I think you may not get what people are saying when they say your DH has not been parenting.

He has let his parents support, house and take care of his child (and himself for that matter). He may have changed a diaper and meted out some punishments but when he wanted to sleep during the day, the kid was at home.. with DH's parents. They are who generally have been his primary caregivers.

AshMar654's picture

MY SO sleeping at our home during the day has only happened this week. Prior to this week he was at his parents house sleeping while his son was in school and was up by 4:30 pm to take care of everything else. This is temporary as we transition from school being over the year and moving into our home. His parents house is insanely noisy right now as they are getting it ready to sell. If you know someone that works nights they do need to get some sleep.

AshMar654's picture

I feel for my SO, I really do he has been trying to transition to sleeping during the day since he started nights. It has not been going well at all. Until this week has was going on like 4 hours. This past weekend I said he could catch up on some sleep and I will take SS8 with me to run errands. He never asked me, my SO has never once asked me in this past year to take SS I just offer sometimes. Plus I like hanging out with this kid.

Acratopotes's picture

Hand. thisisnotmocking's ass......
Hand. thisisnotmocking's ass

stop heading the wall!! you are damaging it

twoviewpoints's picture

Watch to how much punishment is handed out at once. If SS does something else that requires consequences, there won't be anything else to withhold/take away. Consequences should fit the 'crime' , honestly, the amount given for this is a lot.

I agree with the not attending the baseball game. Maybe send a board game to your Mom's so if she gets back from groceries way before your outing, she has something to sit and entertain SS with. All the electronics plus tv and no friends for a month at eight is pretty harsh. I might do the friends for the month and the electronic back in a week if he earns them with good behavior. What I would really absolutely take away for the entire summer, however, is the damn thing that caused this incident. He's proven himself too immature for it right now.

Have Dad take his son to the library and check out some books. Kid can practice his reading skills for a couple weeks since no of tv, tablet or video games. Have SS write a book report too. Just taking friends away for a month isn't going to mean much as he starts daycare next week and will have lots of kids to play all day with. Use the books to busy him in the evenings.

AshMar654's picture

Thank you. The electronics were already taken away because he said the f-bomb and was suppose to get them back tomorrow.

He will not get his tv back in his room, as for his tablet he may get that back in another week, that is SO's call. All depends on his behavior. The thing that caused the incident is taken away.

I will tell SO to grab a game from the house to take. I know I mentioned to maybe bring a book with him.