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Always seen as the evil step-mom

AshMar654's picture

Hi, it has been quit sometime since I have been on this site. My issue these days is not with my kid at all. He was my SS, but I adopted so he is mine. He is 14 now and all the craziness of a teenager. We still struggle with some stuff with him and his acting out for attention when he feels things are changing or uncertain. None of that is my issue. 

It is funny how he has been my son since I adopted him 4 years ago. Even before that he was referring to me as mom and asked if he could. We have another son who will be 3 soon and we were going to have a daughter this past January, but we lost her at 37 weeks from a cord accident. Also discovered my husband is a really bad alcoholic as well and the past year has been tough (can't really think of a better term, I could say hell, but I have my kids and there were some good moments). Anyway, after all this I am still not truly accepted by my in-laws. 

I got into a little over a month ago with my MIL and her telling me some not so nice things and how we need to raid DS14. Some highlighted comments from her. (There is context, but it is a lot to go into, side note she said all but the first one and the driving one in-front of DS14.)

  • "DS14 he is just so sad he is not happy you need to let him do more" - this I will give context he does a lot of dumb things and gets stuff taken away; he got himself kicked of the baseball team. Went to a movie lied about ride home or it fell through instead of calling a parent him and his friends were galivanting around and got kicked out of store at 10:30 at night. (I was in Texas.)
  • "DS14, he needs unconditional love from you and DH"
  • "Well not biologically" (This is like the second or third time this was said to me)
  • "Are you going to treat DS2 the same as you treat DS14"
  • "It was only a mile down the road" - DH was driving the kids while under the influence on many occasions that I did not know because he was hiding it.
  • "You just did it to control" - we were talking about adopting my son and she flat out said I did it to control everything. 
  • I am not innocent in saying nothing mean, I did towards the end and the next day. I called her a “F**** B****”, not nice word for a female, and toxic. I told her I never want her around my children. Do I feel bad nope, do I regret it nope, does DH back me up on this yup. I lost my temper and was not myself by any means. I hate getting like that, it was a long time coming, I held my tongue for years.

It is funny how certain people will never accept you as the parent no matter how long it has been, all the parenting you have done, all the love and attention you have given to the children. Nope you will never really be their mom.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Toxic in-laws have no place in your life. Distant but polite in the future. See them when you are obligated to (Christmas etc.) and any unsolicited advice is replied to with "hmmm, something to think about", then do whatever the fk you want.

Or, you could stop interacting with them entirely. The thing is, though, to not rely on them for anything. That way, you can walk away and not be affected. If they are doing babysitting or paying for anything or housing you, they can use that for control. 

AshMar654's picture

Thank you, we do not rely on them for anything. I did ask them for help when I found out how bad things got with DH's drinking and I was on the verge of filing. I didn't want a divorce but I did not want my kids in the kind of environment that was happening. That was a mistake they came up while I left for a while and MIL stayed thinking she was helping and no one really asked her to stay longer.

She did drive my car and hit a trash can spilled iced tea all over the driver side, staining my visor. Did not tell anyone. So fun.

Lillywy00's picture

Grandparents LOVE to meddle because they think they know everything. And 9 times out of 10 these toxic MILs enable their sons bad behaviors (which is why we have so many Disneyland dads, men who don't clean up after themselves, insert other unsavory behaviors here)

I'd flat out tell her "Look Betty, YOU had x number of kids and raised them how you saw fit. Now, I am fully grown, we pay the bills around this house, these are MY kids and I will raise them how I see fit" 

And you sound like a great parent just from the fact of adopting the step kid and making him like your bio kid even legally....that's a huge committment and you took on the challenge willingly and lovingly. You adopted him and he is YOURS just as if he is a bio kid.

That lady needs to back up a bit and know her place. If she's not paying major bills for those kids and As long as those kids aren't being abused or neglected then she needs to hold her opinions. Good thing your husband backs you up. 

Step-parents are always seen as 'evil' (especially if we rightfully demand change from the dysfunction that was okay with their low quality exes or enabling mothers). Yet, we are helping these exes raise their kids, diverting some of our resources from ourselves/our needs and wants and funneling it to those kids, some of us providing more emotional/financial/physical support than their own bio parents, etc. These bio parents expect us to invest in kids we have no rights to (unless we adopt them). So IMO unless they're welcoming/cooperative, the bio parents/family are the 'evil' ones. 

AshMar654's picture

Thank you. I am still just just baffled at my MIL literally thinks that I only love SS14 as long as he is doing exactly what I want. Hell that boy never does what I really want him to do, he is 14. I can honestly say, with no doubt in my mind if anything ever happened to him, it would destroy a huge chunk of me.

I think she struggles with understanding how can I love a child that I did not carry or give birth to.

hereiam's picture

A LOT of people love children that they did not give birth to (thank God, or all adopted children would be up shit creek). Just because your MIL would not be capable of doing that...


notsurehowtodeal's picture

I think your situation is complicated by the fact that prior to you - your DH was letting his parents and sister pretty much raise SS. Even though you have all worked through that - I would guess there are still times that they resent the fact that things changed so much after you came into the picture and feel like they should still have some say in how your son is parented.

That said, it has been 4 years since you adopted him and they need to get over it and stay in the grandparent role. They should never have said those things in front of your son. I understand why you lost your cool.

Is DH doing what he needs to do to deal with recovery? Are you getting support from somewhere like ALANON? Hang in there, it sounds like you have really been through it.

AshMar654's picture

Thank you. DH is getting help now and we are in counseling, I am actually going to ALANON as well. Lot's of therapy for us and will resume DS14's as well. He still is not coping well when he feels things are out of his control. He still acts out instead of verbalizing it.

Rags's picture

are usually crap.

I too adopted my Skid. At his request when SS-30 was 22. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old and married the week before he turned 2yo.  I raised him as my own.  We discussed adoption when he was in his tweens and early teens.  He gave me clarity.  I was his dad with or without papers.  He did not want to inject that additional drama into his SpermClan visitations.

As his mom, you are fully in your purview to put toxic people in their place. Including your MIL. That your DH has not already put his mom in her place, is alarming to me.

I hope your son's final few years as a minor improve significantly.  

Take care of you.

Harry's picture

People try to run others people's life's.  They should concentrate on running there own life.   Back to disengaging from MIL and all other unhealthy people. 
You parent each kid differently,  every person ( your kids) are different people and must be parent differently.  Trying to get to the same result.  Functional Adults, who can live there own life. With out help from the world.  Have jobs, have a place to live buy themselves.  Have good relationships. 

Rags's picture

Kids are different and should be parented appropriatly to the needs of that kid in an age appropriate manner.

Some kids require more discipline, more stringent boundaries, and more parental motivation that others.

The standards should be the same, the parenting methods should adapt based on the kid.

The goal is to prepare each kid for life.  Far too many misguided and failed parents work to protect their children from life. Those kids,  rarely live happy or quality lives as adults. Their parents do not either as those failed perents of failed adults tend to act out of guilt trying to save their failed adult spawn.