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it would be nice if they could help around the house. seriously.............

Sterling's picture

Really, my five year old little boy does more chores around our house than my SD (who is 17)does. DH says she is "just not going to do them." Wow! What a solution huh??? glad to know she is 17 and do whatever the hell she wants. Must be nice to be her.

I especially loves when she sits there and watches me clean all day.

SD Graduation Drama

hope34's picture

So, I guess I just need a moment to vent. I trouble by yesterdays events. My SD graduated from highschool yesterday. We had to travel out of town to get there and we missed it. My husband did not want to go. He purposely got dressed really slow and drove the speed limit, which is not him.

so f***en annoyed

the green frog's picture

Last week was awesome! Petunia went out of the country on vacation with biomom. It was great! Well she came back yesterday, and I am already so f***en annoyed with her I can just scream. Already leaving shit at the computer desk, lounging around while I am slaving away cleaning this damn place, yelling at my daughter for no reason, ugh!!!! She needs to get the Fuck out and go live with her mother!!! This girl really makes me sick, there is no other way around or way to describe it. Plain and simple, the little b**** makes me sick!

Is this wrong?

Sterling's picture

I know it sounds bad but when someone asks me how many kids I have, I say "one." My husband and I have one 5 yr old son together and he has three kids from his previous marriage. I recently met this woman and when I asked her how many kids she had, she said "4." Later on, she told me she has 2 of her own kids and 2 stepkids. I felt instant guilt that I don't say "4." Does this happen to anyone else? I guess I need to question the bond I have (or don't have) with them.

Lies lies lies

schambers's picture

To recap: ss23 whom was living off of us was told to move out 6 weeks ago by dh. For the last month we haven't heard from him (and I was happy lol). Dh's birthday was Thursday and all the other Kids either called or came by to wish DH a happy birthday, all that is except for ss23.

And it starts with the clothes already

doll faced sm's picture

Lately, I've seen quite a bit of discussion on BMs packing too small, dirty, inadequate, etc. clothes for the skids. FDH picked up FSS from BM today and, lo and behold, she packed him one pair of shorts, one shirt, and like five pair of pants. No underwear, no socks, not to mention that FDH told me it's been 90+ degrees there since he's been there - and BM packs him pants?! FDH also specifically told her he'd like to take FSS swimming, could she please pack a pair of swim trunks. BM's answer, "We don't go swimming, so he doesn't have any." Really? In GA, you don't go swimming? Whatever.

So tired

roseslady2's picture

I don't know how much longer I can do this. My husband's bipolar disorder is constantly causing issues. Then, there's SS10. He needs so much from me, but I just can't give it to him anymore. I need him to be grown out of this as of today. I need my husband to stop cycling now. I need someone to take care of me. This happens once a month or maybe a little less, but it happens whenever DH is making changes because he gets so mean and doesn't address the issues that are really bothering him. I wish he would go to counselling. I wish he would take better care of his disease.

when SM and stepkid are close in age,

Anon2009's picture

How should SM and stepkid deal with that as I'm sure it must be awkward? How should stepkid deal with any negative feelings about it? What level of respect should SM be shown by stepkid-the same that stepkid would show a friend or the level they'd show to a teacher or boss that isn't all that much older/younger than them?

I was watching some of the Tudors last night. Henry VIII was married to Catherine Howard, who was 17 and a few years younger than Henry's daughter Mary. Let me say that they butter heads a lot!
