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One week and counting. Everything goes to hell when she's around.

overit2's picture

So-this is week one of SD two week stay w/her dad. I'm trying to ensure they aren't over visiting us all the time. I was off Thu/Fri. Saw them a bit Thursday evening. Friday I took my kids to an amusement park-never told bf I was going until I was there Smile Had a great day and then later that evening they came over-by now we're at no sex since Sunday (when he foudn out she was coming to be w/him the next day)...we are both testy w/eachother.

What would you do - attending DH Nephew Graduation Party if SS attends

karenemoy's picture

What would you do - SS21 is a drug addict, used me for money and now after spending 1 year in several rehabs he is moving back near us and enabling BM footing all the bills. DH has already told his son we are not paying any more - we have paid for a lot of rehab, cars, school - we are done.

I was used and manipulated for money. I cannot see the kid and he is not allowed in our house.

My SIL is having a party for her son who is graduating HS. I just cannot go if SS21 is there - I am afraid of him he gives me the creeps and he still a big MOOCH.

Here Comes the Manipulation

Auteur's picture

So I was HOPING that the Behemoth, after standing up GG twice would simply wimper away, tail between her legs. SINCE she has no intention of having GG establish a REAL parental role with HER children anyway, I had hoped against hopes that she would just STFU and go away.

WRONG! So the counselor calls GG back and puts him on speakerphone along with VD so they can all "conference" about the date of 6/21 for a REscheduled counselor/reunion meeing.

MY SD13 is a psycho......

Yme's picture

Im just sick and tired of dealing with SD13!! SD is a liar and a thief.....NOW SD is trying to write all these little notes to herself TRYING to convince herself that she is not GUILTY of sealing my bio's Ipod Touch....I just dont get her BS and her constant LIES!!! Now SD13 wants a Lie Detector Test.....Bahahahahahaha!! I would LOVE to get a Lie Detector Test if it didt cost so dang much!! SD has a cheesie list titled "MY Questions For the LDT" it is full of BS lies that SD has told over the years and that we have CONCRETE PROOF that SD13 did!!!

Dh going ballistic, how to deal with this graduation issue?

maria14's picture

We finally got the tickets for the graduation. My DH was planning a big graduation party for his side of the family. He wants to give that bloody car during the party. But when we got the tickets in the mail, it only says "Admit one". My DH is PISSED! He told me that if I was not invited he would also not be going. My DH also wants to cancel the party and just give the car to SS later. He is fuming. I am asking my DH to call up SS and ask about the tickets. But my DH is saying he will refuse to beg and will not go. I know my DH really wants to go.

What is the best way to tell SD8 about being pregnant

Minky's picture

Anyone got any good ideas of how to break the news to an 8year old little girl that she is going to be a big sister? Just a bit of background - she is a very emotional, whiny little girl whose mother is not normal (think that's the nicest way of saying that). Worry about what effect the BM is going to have on her response to the news. SD8 is very clingy too, not sure what the best approach would be.
