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After the hospital incident... I'm leaving him

MrsFitMama's picture

I'm not going to lie. I am bawling. I never thought a husband can be so heartless. During our blow out yesterday I shouted how I hated him, hated his face, hated everything about him. He told me to get out by Saturday then. He followed me to the room yelling at me how I'm immature and irresponsible. That I don't have a job and just have unemployment... which I've been actively looking and get a few hours a week. I say how if I was the irresponsible one, then why did he have 2 kids with a woman he knew he wasn't going to marry. You know what he says???

I need advise....

foxymama87's picture

How do you tell you skid to treat her/his father with respect without stepping over your boundaries as a step parent?

I have this issue at home. And I don't
want to step on my fiancee's toes. I usually let him handle it but his approach never seems to work. He's grown tired of SD9's behavior and so have I.

Im the crazy one?

schicky97's picture

Ok...Here is story...
My bf and I have been together for almost 4 years now. We live together with my thre kids and his one daughter. Shes 16. He also has teo more children that live BM. Ever since sd has moved in things have been off. Her and I used to be the best of friends and now...well, did i mention shes 16? lol

Too close, BM.

LaMareOssa's picture

Ugh, Too close for comfort BM..Watch your step.

Lastnight while I was at work (I work retail part time and school part time) I was standing with two other coworkers when one of them says "Hi..are you waiting for someone?" I wasn't paying attention, I was focused on something else. Then, my other co worker shoves me...hard. She says "You know her?!" with a *wink wink* look on her face. I look around and it's my 9 year old SD.

Ladies, be careful out there! Car jacking just happened

overit2's picture

I'm not a gloom/doom gal but ladies, watch your surroundings everywhere!! This morning my boss's wife was carjacked at a target w/her young daughter. She escaped through the other side w/her child unharmed and the guy took off w/the car. It was very scary...he's not back still. We had another one last night also-times are tough and crime increases. PLEASE stay aware of your surroundings at all times, be extra vigilant. I know these things happen but plain daylight at a target parking lot and it's not a very bad area either.

SM no more

NeedHelpPlease's picture

Well, it’s officially over for me and BF and I moved out last weekend. I tried talking to him about our issues and his frustration with my BS5, but he went cold on me and hasn’t talked to me in 3 weeks. I mentioned that maybe we should take a step back, but I don’t think he liked that idea and stopped talking to me. I’m sad and I miss him, but I guess I have my answer on what to do.

That didn't last long

SisterNeko's picture

BM was mad at us a few weeks ago. It started Monday when BM txt'ed BF a pic. That is not shocking by it's self but since BM was so mad and declared that she 'Wanted nothing from BF' i find it funny that she seems to have suddenly forgiven him and agreed to his terms (so far) to only talk to him about the kids.

Summer Visitation- what would you do?

2plus2's picture

Hi All
I know many of you may think I am crazy for saying this but here goes:
CO states BM has skids every other wkend, even over the summer.
last year for the 1st time she asked for more time so we agreed.
it ended up being about 1/2 weeks, but it left no free time for the skids here at home w/ friends,etc because BM did not want to drive them to their things here they had to cram it all into the time they were here and have less friend time.

The "break" with SD6 is almost upon us...

SteppingUp's picture

Long story short, FDH has raised SD6 since she was a baby. Her biodad saw her one weekend a month, but this past year he's turned over a new leaf and really wants to be more involved. He now takes her every other weekend. We still have her during the weekdays that we have her brother (my SS3). Biodad has asserted that he WANTS to have SD on the days of the week we have her (he pays BM child support yet she has us taking his kid 2 days week...).
