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Anyone else sick of bio parents contradictions?

child".... Sick to death of hearing this and seeing this posted in forums, step parents have such a bad rep. ... Just the other day scrolling through tik tok the amount of kids who were slating their step parents ... (kids who were obviously poisoned against their step parent) saying things like "you can't ...

Boho356 - 05/27/2022 - 3:00am - 9 comments

I Hate My Boyfriends Son- Venting.

Because my BF surely can't do it w/o me. I'm yonge and frustrated. Someone shed some light on ...

Waverider796 - 06/03/2013 - 11:53am - 16 comments

Had to disengage and threaten to leave...

now.  I view her in the same light as I view any other abuser. When I am home for my 2/3 of the time, ... to that user in any way.  He had to cosign for their apartment and pay the deposit and cosigned to ...

Valravyn - 02/05/2021 - 12:22pm - 15 comments

At the end of my rope

Recently it has come to light that she will have to do summer school and will most likely have to repeat ... step daughter occupies so much of my energy. She was almost easier to handle when she was 6 and even ...

Undulatus - 04/25/2023 - 7:28pm - 27 comments

Is my home (or heart) too small??

hands and made it a game to wash them- nothing works. Lately he has rubbed poo on the light switch, ...

TheresaBern28 - 09/06/2021 - 2:56pm - 31 comments

How do you all do it???

father doesn't have a bond with him. Actually, the only bond he has with anyone are his ex step ... mother (the 11 month olds bm) and his ex step grandparents (bm's parents). His "bond" with ... way ticket to grandmas who lives in another state (this is ex step grandma...where ex step mom lives ...

rlj2007 - 02/27/2007 - 1:27pm - 5 comments (long post)

didn't even know her hair isn't naturally as light as it is. Other family--same thing. She was born ... of it.  Their mom's second marriage was very abusive. He is a drug user. She has now finalized ... But I don't know, they've been going for a while now and I'm not seeing a light at the end of the ...

holly5692 - 03/28/2020 - 6:29am - 4 comments

Newsflash: DH Must Have Sportscar

see the light about going into debt for a luxury sportscar we can't afford. That won't ...

StepUltimate - 10/31/2018 - 1:29am - 32 comments

I Don't Know How to Be a StepWhatever to Two Terrbile Skids

them. I have to be clear. I’m not posting this lightly or just to whine. Nor is this a case of me not ... role of step-whatever and in the beginning, I actually got excited about it. I read books about being ... a step parent, articles about blending families, I bought gifts, spent time, and did things I never ...

stepchef - 08/25/2015 - 2:19pm - 7 comments
