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Is my home (or heart) too small??

TheresaBern28's picture

SS7 will not wash his hands. 

I know this sounds like kid stuff, but for months we have been telling him the importance of basic hygiene. We've sat him down and explained why he has to do it, he nods, agrees, and even gets to the stage now where he will finish our sentences and offer further little bits he's learned at school why hand washing is important, but I kid you not every single time, without fail he leaves the toilet without washing his hands. Every. Time. With this there is always pee all over the toilet seat and floor. Always. No matter what I say or do. I've tried rewarding him when he washes his hands, I've put up signs, I've made up songs, I've put glitter on his hands and made it a game to wash them - nothing works. Lately he has rubbed poo on the light switch, walls & new sofa. He also gets tooth paste all over my new towels, and today, must have had an accident at school, because when he came home he sat on my bed to watch TV whilst BF worked in the living room, and after he stood up the bed, and my lovely new linen, was soaking and stunk of pee. I'm just sick of this. 

Over the last few months we've caught bug after bug and even last week we all contracted pin worms and had to take medication - which you think would be enough for him but no! He's at BMs 50/50 and I don't know how diligent she is with hygiene, but its making me paranoid and I feel like constantly crawling with bugs. BF says I'm over reacting and he's only 7 but it's not cute or forgivable when it's not your kid!!! 


I live in a small, 2 bed flat I proudly worked hard and bought myself in 2019 - it's my first home. BF & SS sort of just moved themselves in during lockdown without asking me. I work from home and its just too much right now.


ImFreeAtLast's picture

Throw this fish back. He's just the boyfriend and you're not married you shouldn't have let them move into your home.

JRI's picture

I am flashing back to the time when my 2 oldest granddaughters were about 3.  One is my son's daughter, the other is my SD's girl.  In my mistaken parity policy, I had them together so no one could accuse me of giving one more attention than the other.  They were very diffetent people and looking back, I shouldn't have done that but that's another story.

I'm pretty laid back but I had 2 ironclad rules: 1) they had to be in a seatbelt in the car and 2) they had to wash their hands after going to the bathroom.   Your post reminds me of the epic struggles I had getting them to wash their hands.  What is it about kids rebelling against that?  

Winterglow's picture

I think it's time your bf found a home for him and his son, y'know, the way that grownups do. Your home should  not be ruined just because your bf doesn't parent him. Not your problem. Tell him he needs space to bond with his son. Preferably before the end of next week. 

notarelative's picture

He's only seven! No, he's seven. He attends school. He can pass pinworms to others outside the family. His behavior is not acceptable. 

A case of pinworms should have opened BF's eyes. Does he understand how pinworms spread?

BF needs to supervise his son in the bathroom evey time, until hygiene improves. Otherwise, you can look forward to another case of pinworms.

TheresaBern28's picture

I totally agree but when I explained about the pinworms BF didn't see them with his own eyes and is insinuating maybe I got them from my nephew (who I rarely see, and none of my other family have it) or made it up- why would I make it up and have to endure an embarrassing pharmacy trip?

notarelative's picture

Whose name is in the lease/deed/mortgage? If one name, the non named needs to leave. If both names, you need to figure out how to untangle yourself. If pinworms didn't open BF's eyes, there isn't much hope for his enforcing hygiene in the future. 

ndc's picture

That insinuation would be enough for me to tell BF he and SS need to find another place to live.  If he denies the problem exists, nothing will change. 

Harry's picture

He not parenting his DS.  He not putting the effort into Turing his DS into a real person. Not a Animal.  So blame him first.

This also means nothing will ever change only going to get worst.  Time for a exit plan. Get BF out with SS to there own place so they can live in filth 

hereiam's picture

BF says I'm over reacting and he's only 7

Really? Because I have NEVER known a 7 year old to did this. Never. It's not normal and it's not okay and you are not over reacting.

BF & SS sort of just moved themselves in during lockdown without asking me.

This is also NOT okay and you should have him move out, pronto. Where did he live before he invaded your lovely new flat?


TheresaBern28's picture

He had his own place, which he has now rented out to a friend, so I guess he could go back there. He does say to SS about the handwashing too and it drives him equally as mad as it drives me, but I think he tends to see past it more because "he's only 7"

hereiam's picture

So, he took it upon himself to move in with you, and now he's renting his place out to a friend? Win, win for him!

He definitely needs to move back to his place. He and his son can be disgusting in their own space.

Please don't tolerate this. He had no right to move in on you, in the first place. And now, there's this situation, which he is glossing over. Just, no.

Winterglow's picture

If it annoyed him as much as it annoys you, he'd damn well do something about it! I don't thin he sees past it, I think he couldn't care less and "he's only 7" is the best he can come up with. His habits are probably as foul as his son's when you're not looking ...

tog redux's picture

Seven is plenty old enough to wash his hands after using the bathroom, and certainly old enough to not randomly wet himself. Sounds he's got some developmental or mental health issues, as well as at least one permissive parent (your SO).

I'm not quite sure how someone just up and moves in without any discussion, but it's time to talk about it.

TheresaBern28's picture

Alot goes on a BMs home - social services involved with SSs cousins (who live with BM) alot of complex issues. I always try and do right and try to actively help, but it just doesn't feel appreciated. 

BF & SS moved in at the start of lockdown because we lived separately up until then, and then UK laws changed and instead of facing months without being able to meet up, they moved in. And then never really left. He then said it was stupid for me to pay all the bills whilst his flat sat empty so he rents it out to a friend.

hereiam's picture

But, it's not really working out for you, so out they go.

And, no, your heart is not too small. Your space, YOUR space, that you worked hard for and saved for, has been trampled on, without invitation or discussion. That alone shows disrespect on his part. Add in that he does not see a problem with his kid's disgusting hygiene, which is all over your flat, is just too much.

How long have you been dating this guy?

SteppedOut's picture

Does he pay you rent? Or has he helped yourself to your home without cost? 

For what it is worth, my (almost) 5 year old washes his hands every time he uses the bathroom. 

Winterglow's picture

I have a daughter who has Down syndrome and it never occurs to her NOT to wash her hands simply because she was taught to do so from the start. At what age is your bf going to start teaching his son basic life skills? 

In the meantime, he, his son, and their collective filth need to move back into your bf's flat until they're ready to face living like civilized human beings. 

simifan's picture

At 7, washing hands should not be a problem. Also, SS should be cleaning up after himself if he cannot aim properly or makes another mess. SS should be cleaning up walls, light switches, etc if he gets BM on them (which wouldnt have hapened if he washed his hands). Then SO should be cleaning behind him to ensure it is done properly.

Your SO is a poor parent. Tell him step it up or step it out. 

Kaylee's picture

This is just rank. 

Honestly, the "only 7" bullshit just doesn't cut it. 

Send your BF and his child back to their own place. 

You worked and saved hard to buy your lovely place. Don't let them ruin it.

Honestly. I don't know how you have put up with it.

GrudgingSM's picture

My kid is seven. He washes his hands. Every. Time. Not just after the bathroom but before putting away clean dishes or helping cook dinner. 

you have done an outrageous amount to help...and this is just hand washing. Please look five and ten years down the line and the things that are reasonable that you try and correct and how a) the kid might escalate (as you've seen from poop now decorating surfaces) and b) how your partner is going to justify it rather than be a team with you to fix things. Because it's not "just" this. This is a lesson in how the parenting and boundaries will look FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

this isn't a red flag; it's a red billboard. I would break up but at the very least insist he move back into his place and keep that boundary. If he won't respect you please at least respect yourself.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Ok, at first i thought you might be being nit-picky about the hand washing. But then i kept reading and this goes waaaay beyond just hygiene. Rubbing feces all over the house and now you all have pinworms? Yeah, gross. And your SO acts like it's no big deal to live in filth and feces to the point you have worms. That's the worst part of all. Your heart is not too small. Only someone who really, really is trying to be a good person would even ask themselves that. 

hereiam's picture

Okay, I'm going to go on a rant, here, because I've had a couple of glasses of wine and we see this crap so much on this site, and I am so sick of seeing women give up their power and their independence, and their lives, to these jackass men.

Women seem to bend over backwards for these losers and their loser kids. They give up their space, their CLEAN space, their privacy, their peace and quiet, their sanity, their health, their self respect, and a whole lot of other things (MONEY). Why? Is the dick that good? Lots of good dick out there. Also lots of men who will treat you as you deserve to be treated. The two are not exclusive.

These men, these awful parents, who are awful partners, are just taking advantage wherever they can. They They care about themselves and making their own life easier. All while intruding on YOUR life and making your life miserable. And, again, they don't care how miserable you are.

I was young, once. I let a guy (who had 2 kids EOWE) move in with me. It lasted about 4 months before I had had enough because it was not a relationship based on respect. It was not a mutual decision to move in together (and it was WAY too soon). It was just a convenience for HIM. It was doomed from the start (even though his kids were well behaved). One should have a say about who one lives with, especially when it is YOUR home.

Seriously, stop this nonsense. Now.

You deserve better. You deserve someone who respects you. Someone who is a decent enough person to actually be a good parent AND a good partner, who takes your concerns seriously.

Send this one on his way, he is not for you.

I was 30 when I met my DH, we have been together for 25 years. He treats me the same as he did when we first started dating, like a queen. He parented his daughter and we have never had issues as far as that was concerned. He never, in a million years, would have justified or accepted his daughter spreading poo all over our home.

You have now lived with this guy and see who he really is. Is he really who you want?





Rumplestiltskin's picture

I was thinking, but didn't want to say because it might seem sexist, something similar. It's much less likely that you would see a man living in this situation and wondering if his heart is too small. 

Kaylee's picture

It makes me nauseous to think about the OP's lovely home, with piss everywhere, and faecal handprints on multiple surfaces. 

I HOPE SHE TAKES EVERYONE'S ADVICE and kicks the feral twosome out of her haven. 

I could not respect, let alone love a man with such a poor approach to parenting.

My boys were taught from the word go about hygiene....hand washing, cleaning up any little accidents etc (we all know that little boys aims can be a bit hit and miss, lol). 

Haha...I just remembered an occasion a couple of years ago. Ex, his daughter and I were staying the night at his mother's place and we all attended a family event. Ex SD got trashed, and in the morning I went to use the toilet and discovered she had vomited and shat all over the seat. I marched back, woke him up and told him to haul her sorry arse out of bed and make her clean it up. 

He didn't, of course. He went and cleaned it himself. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

OP, ask theme to move out.  If you've been trying through out all of the UK lock downs to get your SO to address the issues with his son and things are only getting worse, then it is time to let go.  It may mean that you no longer have a relationship with your SO but no relationship is worth having someone spread biohazardous material across your home.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

OP, you have received excellent advice and I hope you follow it. Please take back your life. 

BTW, if your user name is your real name, please consider changing it to something anonymous. Click on the Contact Us link in the bottom-right corner of the page or send a message to Dawn-Moderator. 

Hastings's picture

We've been through some gross things with my SS10 -- some very recently. I agree with others that "he's only 7" is a lame excuse and an indication that things will not improve. They are both disrespecting your property, your feelings and your boundaries -- not to mention your health. In my case, DH is a germaphobe. While he can be ineffectual in his parenting, he's never made excuses about SS's more disgusting habits and so far they've been handled. When SS was having accidents, he was made to clean them up. When SS was faking showers, DH actually stood at the bathroom door and checked soap and shampoo levels daily. That's the sort of thing that needs to happen to address this stuff.

I would definitely tell them they need to find new accommodations, poste haste. They've nullified whatever privileges they've been given and BF's response shows that you can expect more of the same.