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Disengagement is a band-aid, NOT a resolution

Adult Stepchildren I don’t speak for the ‘wicked step-mother’ types who want to cut out their husband’s previous life altogether, but those of us who, through loving our man, start out wanting to do what’s right by (his) children. All too often it’s an im ...

Dunwiththem - 06/10/2015 - 7:20pm - 51 comments

THANK YOU BM- an open letter to my husbands ex wife

General Discussion A huge thank you to BM – an open letter of gratitude I was thinking of sending you a big bunch of flowers the other day, which I still might do, but here are some words of gratitude from me to you, and they are heartfelt. Thank you for ...

HappilySelfish679 - 03/29/2014 - 1:08pm - 50 comments

SD's $288,000 College Tuition

SD15 got her PSAT scores back. 99th percentile. DH is all smiles and of course it has been the main topic of conversation everywhere we go. But at the celebratory dinner on Monday DH and SD were discussing college visits and she said with this big smile o ...

RedRedVines - 01/27/2016 - 2:29pm - 103 comments

OSD just got engaged. Who wants to bet we go 3 for 3?

Another skid wedding coming up... OSD and her SO are on vacation and he proposed, DH got a phone call yesterday with the good news. YSD and SS both got married last year and our daughters were not invited to either wedding. Who wants to bet DDs aren' ...

MrsZipper - 07/04/2017 - 9:40am - 78 comments

Thanks for the Welcome!

Wow! I wasn't expecting to get so much feedback so soon! Before I go down the route of explaining my background, I'd just like to clarify a few things. Thank you for pointing out that "coexisting" was probably the wrong term to use, bu ...

Chance3312 - 01/22/2020 - 9:59pm - 55 comments

I made dh and his kids leave, now what?

Please excuse my typos as i am typing from my phone. I guess I'll start from the beginning. Dh and I met after his divorce. I was not the other woman in anyway but dh still went over and did family activities and holidays with them. I put my foot dow ...

Lordyme - 01/22/2018 - 11:32am - 57 comments

Father's Day and taking myself out of the trenches

Adult Stepchildren Happy Father's Day to all the stepmothers. How are you handling it? This year, instead of cooking a fabulous dinner for step adults that don't appreciate it, I am taking myself out of the equation and giving SD37 what she real ...

TwirlMS - 06/16/2017 - 10:50am - 58 comments

What is wrong with me...I can't stand my step daughter! HELP! PLEASE!

Blended Family Issues I am a mother to a 14 year old boy. A little over a year ago, I married my amazing husband. I am the happiest that Ive ever been in my life. Here is the one catch...I can't stand my step daughter! Why? I have no idea??!! Every t ...

stepmom7477 - 12/07/2014 - 9:24pm - 44 comments

Decades of misery

Adult Stepchildren hello everybody, this is my first time here and I would really appreciate some advice. I will try to be brief with a problem that for me has spanned two decades! My DH has two 'adult' children, both in their thirties, half bro ...

Peri - 04/27/2011 - 5:59pm - 24 comments

Expectations regarding financial support

Parenting Issues Some background: my boyfriend and I met just a little less than a year ago. He has a 9-year-old son and shares custody with the BM 50/50. (Though, honestly, he has his son substantially more than half the time.) My boyfriend is a brillian ...

frustrated step... - 08/15/2017 - 6:07pm - 47 comments
