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Skids should rule the world.

Merry's picture

Because they know everything. About everything.

Painting the bedroom blue? No, green is better.
Having a dinner party and serving chocolate cake for dessert? No, banana pudding is better.
Buying a lawnmower? Be sure to buy brand X, not one like we had.
Looking at new cars? Well, nobody told skid and it hurt her feelings.
Got a dog? Oh, that wasn't the right breed for us and maybe she can think of a better name than the one we chose.
Skid calls with a recipe. Sure as anything that will be my dinner over the weekend. (DH does most of the cooking, bless him.)

Almost every day DH reports on a phone call with SD. "SD says..." and I'm supposed to listen intently. Usually I just "mmm hmmm" back to him. I did get a little grumpy about the paint color. DH and I spent a fair amount of energy making the decision for "blue" and because "SD says" he was all hot to change it to green. (We went with blue. And it's beautiful.)

One time SD said to me that she knows she's bossy (wow, capable of self-reflection, who knew). She says, "I know I'm bossy BUT I should consider changing this and that." I chuckled. And hurt her fee-fees. I guess I'm the only one who sees the absurdity.

If I need advice in skid's area of expertise (and she is a hard worker in her profession), I will be sure to ask. And in fact I have, and she was super helpful. But I'm pretty sure I'm capable of picking out paint colors and feeding a group of friends.

For context, DH is a PhD and I run a $75M enterprise so we're not dottering old fools.

Just blowing off steam. There. I feel better.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Gotta love those all knowing Skids!

According to mine, DH should get me EXACTLY what he got Bm for valenties like 4 years ago... Because that's the only sign of "true love." GAG. (I really just HATE hearing all the nonsense aobut "when they were together" UGH)

And don't you know. Not having that green wall could upset the poor Skid and her sensitive fee-fees! How could you! LMAO

queensway's picture

Merry, skids are everything that is right in the universe. At least that is what all Disney Daddys think. }:)

Merry's picture

Just imagine if I did the same to SD.

You named your child Penelope? I would have gone with Janie.
New carpet? Oh, no, not THAT color. You should go with hardwood.
Why did you get a cat? Your children need a dog.

All hell would break loose. And I wouldn't stick my nose in her business anyway because I have good manners and it's none of my damn business. I guess SD thinks everything her father does is her business.

Oh, hey, SD, your father and I had rocking good sex last night. Let me tell you about it and maybe you'll have some good ideas for us. Hahahahah that would be so much fun.

ntm's picture

I would tell your DH you don’t need the updates as you really don’t care what she thinks.

Disneyfan's picture

Well, I have to agree with your SD. Banana pudding IS better than chocolate cake. }:) Excuse while I run and hide.

Merry's picture

Well. I don't disagree. If it's actual homemade. Which I would do. I just happen to know that one of the guests does not like bananas. I know, she's an alien life form but I like her anyway.

MoominMama's picture

SS18 here is the king of knowing everything. I have a diploma in English from Oxford University but SS knows English better than me even though it's his second language. Pfft

He knows how to do EVERYTHING, even when he has no experience of said subject. I get tired of it and just have to tune out most of the time until he gets too much and then I tell him to stfu. My give a F*** is broken by being a step.

The SD, who had a big hygiene problem and smelled bad all the time informed me of how to clean a vayjay. She never cleaned hers so.... :?

You have my sympathy. It's an incurable disease they have, best treated by ignoral.

Merry's picture

Oh lordy. I think your SD wins. I can't even ...

My ignore switch is well tuned. Until DH lets her do the mini-wife thing. He's gotten better at shutting her down though. I was SHOCKED when he told her we weren't going to have Christmas with her this year. He was nearly giddy about it, being a great big grown up man making his own grown up decisions and nobody got to vote on it.

hereiam's picture

My DH had a heart attack 8 years ago. Because he had no blockage, SD (18, at the time) told DH that he did NOT have a heart attack. She knew this because her dumbass husband said so. I mean, the doctors and his blood tests said that he had a heart attack. I was with him when it happened, DH actually experienced it, but if SD says he didn't have a heart attack, I guess he didn't.

If either of them had a brain, they would know that a blockage is not the only cause of a heart attack.

Luckily, my DH knows that his daughter is not that bright and would never take ANY advice from her.

Gwynnafaye's picture

LOL! My daughter has been in choir since elementary school. She was practicing a Mexican song (of course sung in Spanish) the other evening. SD walked in and said "Oh, a Russian song. How neat." DD told her it was Mexican/Spanish. I told SD that she should know it was Spanish because she takes that language at school. SD says "The TUNE is Russian." She argued for a full 15 minutes about it. She has never taken music classes, been in choir or anything to do with music. DH, of course, said it sounded very Russian. I told him he was an ass.

witch.hazel's picture

Yep, this is a real issue :). Never seen it addressed by anyone. I can't even remember what it is about, but I had been trying to point out something to my DH about our mutual child. He kept denying it.

One day SD called, and said the exact same thing I had been saying all along. DH came and told me all about it, saying that SD was right, as if he'd never heard ME say it about ten times before!

Then there was the time he let her name our new pet without asking me! I changed the name.

Merry's picture

Yes! What is it with the pet name thing? DH and I got a new dog. Both of us have had animals our whole lives so it's not like we're new to it. SD literally SCOLDED DH about it. THEN she objected to the name. "But Dadddeeeeee, that was the name of YOUR dog when you were little." DH, in a rare moment of irritation with her, told her that the dead dog didn't really care what we named this new dog, and she never knew that dog anyway so what the hell?

Cutest dog I've ever had. (I say that about all of them though.)

thinkthrice's picture

This is the result of the modern-day parenting craze I like to call adult spousal status (ASS). I can tell you that for centuries children did NOT have a say in what the parents shows for paint color, dinner, vehicles, pets, where to live, what house to buy, etc. etc.

This was because it was logically assumed that children did not have as much experience as adults and that the parents should be guiding the children not the other way around. This is the natural order of things.

Ahhhh the good old days!

thinkthrice's picture


Seeking my Better Self's picture

I feel for you! My SD, who thinks she is smarter than everyone she knows (except for her BM), dropped by the other day and asked DH and me if we had done our 2018 goals and our vision board, said we needed to lift each other up and inspire each other and she would be happy to do a goal and vision board session with us. Now this all may sound cute, reasonable and aspirational, but coming from the person who did everything in her power to tear DH and I apart and make my life miserable, it was a little too much to take. Background note, she now has a boyfriend so she is an authority on how to have a healthy supportive relationship.

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

Oh No! It doesn't end?
My young skids know everything too. And if they don't HCBM does and can do it better!

One day not so long ago skid said 'My mom cleans houses so she can do that better'.

I told her HCBM is more then welcome to come clean mine and I will watch.

Didn't work, still know it alls. But into adulthood, good God! I need to start buying stock in hard liquor.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Ugh...I'm having flashbacks to YSS when he was 8-9 years old. No matter what you told him, he knew better, and always had to say "actually."

"It's going to be sunny today, SS."
"Actually, it's only going to be partly sunny."

"It's bedtime, SS."
"Actually, I have 15 more minutes."

"Mmm...this pizza's really good, SS."
"Actually, the kind my mom gets is better."

Ugh! I cringe when I hear kids correct adults with "actually."