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DH is Working Again!!!!

TwoOfUs's picture

That's all.

No money coming in yet, but actual paying work that will be somewhat steady / regular. The opportunity came up at my boss has a friend & colleague in the industry who was mentioning that he needs an employee like me...someone who can write, work in the office some days but mostly from home...who feels like part of the team but wants and needs the flexibility of being freelance & part-time. My boss asked me if I knew anyone...and I told him to reach out to my DH.

Anyway. It's fewer hours than me (10-15 as opposed to my 20-25) but it's a start and it will allow him enough time to continue to build his business back up after this 2-year slump. I just think DH will be so much happier having something like this to fall back on.

DH also has an acting background and was able to get an agent and start submitting tapes based on his previous work. He's been at this for two weeks and got a callback on his first submission, which is exciting. So glad he's been working and trying (for the most part) even when things got really rough.


TwoOfUs's picture

I hope so. I don't ever want to be unfeeling...but it gets hard being what feels like full-time emotional support day after day.

The other day DH said: "I feel like this is the first time I've needed to set my alarm in so long...because I have something to turn in tomorrow morning..."

I can't really imagine that feeling because I always have stuff to turn in. lol.