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SS14 behaving oddly

NobodyMom's picture

I posted previously about a hateful adult stepdaughter that verbally attacked me in a most nasty way out of the blue (I had done nothing to her):

Just some additional background that will lead to my question....I had been concerned to find out she was trying to get her brother SD17 to hate me. I had never mentioned the younger brother (SD14) as I did not think he could be an issue. He has always been the most accepting of me (yet a bit immature for his age), very sensitive and sweet kid. We would even play funny jokes on each other. I had always been concerned though that he had some type of attention issues....I noticed he would either be so intently focused on the TV for example his Dad would have to yell his name LOUDLY 3 times before he heard his dad talking to him. Many times SD14 has difficulty focusing on tasks...his dad must still stand by to keep re-directing him to complete his homework, or to finishing cleaning his room.

I also know SD20 has now talked to him about the situation regarding me (trying to get him to hate me also and trying to convince him her father is wrong for expecting her to apologize to us). Boyfriend told SD20 she is not welcome in our home for any visits until she atones for her bad behavior (as described in my older post.). It did worry me though that SS14 was always easily influenced by her.

Over the past year there were few strange incidents where SD14 did something (he would not admit to the action or either he didn't realize he did it). A small knife ended up on an Orange Juice container and we didn't see it until almost the end of the OJ. Sometimes my boyfriend drinks the last bit of OJ straight from the bottle at the end. SS14 said he uses a knife to open the OJ bottle but that he never dropped one inside. We gave him the benefit of the doubt it was an accident.

Then one day I came home from work to find a picture of me on my horse (that I attached a large show ribbon to the side of the frame) with the show ribbon now covering my face in the picture. Sure it could be a joke he is playing, or maybe it got knocked off and just happened to put it back up covering my face. But then I noticed special dog treats I had just bought for MY dogs (the hard chewing type) smashed to pieces in their bag on the counter. Now then I put all this together, and suddenly got filled with dread something is very wrong. Not sure if I am being paranoid, but this is all just too weird. I approached boyfriend about being concerned his son is not remembering these incidents and his actions. But later I put it all together and now I'm afraid it goes deeper to me and crap his sister might have succeeded in influencing.

I'm not a bio parent, so any insight to this situation would be greatly appreciated. I did tell boyfriend I thought he should speak to his son's pediatrician or school counselor about this so they could advise him further. I have my doubts he will do this because he doesn't want to believe his child had some kind of attention issue (or worse now anger and resentment of now blaming me for the situation with his sister)

classyNJ's picture

He's 14, he's odd. My SS14 also claims he doesn't remember but I think it's more that he doesn't know.

My SS14 sliced up a plant my mother had given to me with a toothpick. I asked why and he really didn't seem to know.

Other things like asking what he can eat UNLESS it's something that I buy for myself. I'll ask everyone in house - hey did you eat my ......? I get not me from DH and SS14 - I don't think so - I don't remember - welllll maybe. Sorry Classy.

NobodyMom's picture

Thanks for the feedback. I will add nanny cams. I would chalk it up to teenage weirdness, but to have my dogs treats smashed the same day my face was covered on a picture is causing my worry it is a confused and frustrated kid that is being manipulated by his unstable sister. That he is getting convinced by her I the cause their family problems because their Dad insists on their sister being respectful and apologizing for her nasty attack on me. If the nasty situation hadn't occurred with his sister, I would not have worried like this. SD20 has always been very manipulative and SD14 always a people pleaser.

NobodyMom's picture

Thank you I plan to that sounds like the best way to handle this. Yes they are small things, but unfortunately after the over the top nastiness I have experienced from SD20 because she wants dadddy all to herself (combined with her never-ending hate campaign against me), I do feel I have to constantly be vigilant with the brothers. The dog treats were smashed to would have taken force and effort as they are very hard...thus me thinking a frustrated teen, or of course it could just be a mischievous teen). Wait and observe seems best.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think you mean Step Son - SS14, right? So the older skid is a twenty y.o. female, and the younger a 14 y.o. male? I got a bit confused.

NobodyMom's picture

Yes sorry that was a typo. SS14 is the one easily influenced that I have a very good relationship with. SD20 is the one who launched a nasty verbal attack against me and her father and trying to start a hate campaign against me with her brothers (who so far have ignored her efforts). She has always been good however at manipulating her brothers in general.