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My Son Update

oneoffour's picture

Thank you for all your kind thoughts and ideas and prayers. The internet CAN be a Godsend ... as well as the devil! So many people who I wouldn't recognise on the street caring enough ... just WOW!

It seems DIL is staying on the other side of their city with a friend. She is still corresponding with my sister who is keeping me up to date on her state of mind.

My ex flew over to stay with DS for a week to help him get his ducks in a row and yes, stop her from leaving the country with the kids. But DS MUST file with the Family Court and I think just turning up at their doorstep means admitting it is likely all over. I just hope they get THAT far.

My Sister told me that DIL is tired and angry. The small house has no air con (she LOVES air con!) and the kids are super-upset and not sleeping. Ya think? Welcome to the rest of your life sista! Maye my son wasn't such a bad person after all.

The problem is in Aust. the courts could make him leave the house, she moves back in with the kids and he is stuck with all their bills because DIL chose not to work while married. Yet she is the one who wants out of the marriage right now! Geez!

My Ex has a friend who works as a PI. He does background checks on people and is very astute. My Ex is asking him for a referral for a good fathers rights lawyer in their area.

And today my son turns 28. I don't know if DIL will let him see his children (if she doesn't it could bode well for him in court that she is so vindictive).

So this is where we are. I just hope DS listens to his dad. He wasn't the best husband for me (I got that the 2nd time around) but he is a very good father and level-headed.

Thanks for your thoughts. It means so much that you care.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I'm glad to hear that there is a plan of action, and that your DIL didn't take the kids out of the country. I hope everything works out for your son!