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Teenage drama may have just RUINED my marriage!!

calmbeforethestorm's picture

I've been married to my husband for 8 years(he's a widower), and so he have his kids full time while I share custody with my ex. His just started his senior year at UCLA, and will be graduating in engineering, while his daughter (16) and son (15) are in high school. All of his kids get amazing grades in school, athletic, good-looking. The oldest does not have an ego, but the other two do, but my husband doe not let it go to their heads. 

My daughter (15) just started  her sophmore year high school while my other daughter(14) just started her freshmen year. All four kids go to the same high school. 

I've had to disenage from my husbands younger two because- they just don't like me. They make it well known to not just me, but to my husband and my kids too. They love their brother(5-mine and husbands son), but can't stand the sight of me, and my girls. My husband understands, the reasons why I did choose to disenage, and he understandsIt's been almost 8 months). I hate to say it, but they actually look happy with me not doing things for them. They do their own laundry, make their own food, clean up after themselves, Sd will drive both of them places. Basically they are content with me not being apart of their lives. 

They've told my husband, that as long as I don't try to be apart of their lives or try to ruin their relationship with him, they won't cause any problems , and surprisingly they haven't. My husband does spend times with them, and me and my kids, but he feels like he has two different famillies instead of one, but this was the their call, and everyone is happy. 

There has been teenage drama between my kids and his- High-school drama. LOVELY. Hurtful things have been said by BOTH sides(my girls aren't angels), but his kids follow one rule- If you hurt them, they have no problem hurting you right back, but twice as hard. Noting physical, but highschool girls are vicious little creatures! 

Me and dh sat them all down and told them, that they don't have to like eachother, but they do have to respect eachother, and if respecting eachother on a basic human level means they should avoid eachother at school, so be it. There was to be no more rumours, name calling, etc, and anything as such would result in immediate consequences, and I guess in order to maintain the peace between the 4 kids, the family was divided over time. We've tried family thereapy, having them sit and talk out their differences, but noting worked. They totally ignore eachother, and they seem happy with it. It's not ideal, but it maintains the peace. 

So flashfoward this evening, it's dnner time, and my daughter(15) seems off. I couldn't put my finger on it, I did ask her if everything was okay, but she said everything was fine- why don't teenagers just say how their feeling???!!!. Sd and ss walk in, and she just looks pissed. I'm thinking it's about to be a war-zone. I'm sure dh could feel the tension. Ss21 also invited his grlfriend to dinner, so the table was pretty packed. Everyones talking and both of my daughters are just glaring at Ss!! okayyyyyyy then......Everyone is busy eating and talking, and I asked my daughter(15) how her day was. She's been having this insane crush on this senior boy whose on the football team, and she said that she's been "dying" to just talk to him. My daughter is a very straight fowward type of person, if she likes someone, she'll make sure they know. 

Lets call the boy "Mark". She said that she walking to the football field at lunch with her friends, Ss15 stopped eating and looks like he saw a ghost. She says that she saw Mark and ss15 making out........ SILENCE. Everyone stopped eating, Ss15 looked like he was about to start crying right there. Sd was giving her the death glare, and ss21 was clealy not happy with my daughter. It looked like all the kids knew about ss and "Mark", just not dh. My daughter basically outed ss!! Ss just got up and left, then sd, then ss21 and his girlfriend. All of them left the house, and dh went after them. I sent my daughters upstairs. 

Dh texted me and said that what my daughter did was completly unexpectable and below the belt. Ss15 wasn't ready to come out, and she basically pushed him out. 

Turns out Ss15 and "Mark" have been together for about 6 months and the siblings knew. In matter of fact, Ss21, his girlfriend, Ss15, and "Mark" have gone on  double dates. "Mark's" sister is friends with sd and that's how "Mark" and Ss met. Ss15, Sd, and dh are spending the night at my in-laws house- Dh said that both ss15 and sd are will not be coming back to the house as long as my daughter(15) is here, he said the he right now also doesn't want to see her. My daughter screwed up BIG time!, and she will be punished for it!

Before tension in the house was pretty bad while they were at "war", but with the total silence, it was peaceful, but now I think my marriage may be on the line. 

Any ideas would surely be appreciated! I don't want a divorce due to teenage drama, but this seems next to impossible to fix!



Booboobear's picture

regardless of who it was making out, your daughter is not allowed to mention if she saw someone making out at school? Is making out at school a regular sight to see?- I thought public displays of affection was punishable by detention at school?  So your daughter is being censored in what she communicates, and being silenced of what she observed?  Your going to silence your daughter? is she the only kid in your family being censored and silenced?  Your husband left and will sleep somewhere else because your daughter told what she saw? So your children will learn that they must not tell what they see or they will be punished and dad will leave and sleep somewhere else?

Mrs.Marvel's picture

OP's daughter saw her CRUSH in a intimate moment with her STEP-BROTHER, and out of anger and spite outed him to his father. He obviously wasn't ready to disclose his sexuality to his father, and she basically threw him off the deep end as "payback"

Why did she have to disclose this information at all? In high school, couples make-out in sceret all of the time, and most of the time people don't really care, so why did she decide to tell everyone at the dinner table while her step-brother was sitting right there? She obviously acted out of jealously, and knew this would humiliate him. 

STaround's picture

Of course everyone is furious.  OP told all kids to get along, her kid did not.  The kid could have told her mom, in private, and this would not have happened.  The mom may have told her DH in private.  This incident was deliberate, mean and vicisous.  Outing of gay young people has resulted in disastrous consequences in the past.  

As to what to do now, I don't know.  OP should discuss with her DH the fallout, especialy to the 5 year old. That is sad.  In theory, Dad can tell his kids they must return home, but it does not seem that he wants to.  In any event, I suspect that OP is concerned about retaliation, given her comment that her stepkids will be looking for payback.  

No easy answers, but this was a shitty thing to do, and OP knows it. 


Powerfamily's picture

While your husband allowed to be angry, he has to remember your dd is still only  a teenager as well.

Of course she going to say stuff  without engaging her brain.  She is full of jealously and rage and not to mention raging teenage hormones,  that 'Mark' is with someone else whether it is SS or best looking girl in the school and not her.  All of these feeling are perfectly normal.

If SS didn't want to be outed he should have had a conversation with his dad, and or not be sitting on the playing fields for all to see and rumors to be spread.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

Regardless of her crush, what your daughter did was cruel, vicious and lacking in empathy, and she needs to make amends. Letters of apology to her stepbrother and stepfather would be a good start, and you need to make her understand the magnitude of what she's caused.

As for your marriage, it sounds as if you and your H having been living on top of a powder keg for sometime, so it was only a matter of time before something would set it off. I do commend you for trying to work the problem via therapy etc and it's a shame to have this horrible thing happen so close to having the kids launched. If you and your H want to salvage your marriage, it may be time to consider living apart until all the kids are launched. And counselling. Marital, family, lots of it. 

tog redux's picture

OK, she's a KID. She said something impulsively and now your DH wants to divorce you over it? If that's the case, good riddance. He's showing his kids that he's on their side, not yours, and that you have no adult authority in the home.  No wonder they've been icy to you.  Your DD was wrong to say it, but obviously the kid was making out with another boy in plain sight, so he can't be too concerned about keeping in the closet.  And instead of you and DH talking about how to manage the fall-out, he moves out with his kids?  That's just insane and beyond disrespectful to you. It's making this an "us" vs. "them" thing, instead of making clear that you and he are the adult team and will deal with this.

Kids are going to do stupid and wrong things. Yes, she needs to apologize, but it sounds like DH is at least accepting of his son's sexual orientation, so it sounds like it's not going to result in SS being kicked out of the house or other dire consequences that some gay kids face.  So why can't you and DH talk about how to handle this as the parents in the home?

Ugh, this burns me for you. DH is just as wrong in how he's dealing with this as DD was.

marblefawn's picture

Wow, you have your hands full!

I say privately address it with your husband first. Tell him you know what your daughter did was wrong and you want to handle it as parents and as a family starting with him. Tell him this will be a test of your marriage because you know what she did was awful. Ask him how he thinks it should be handled. Give him some input and validate his anger. Hopefully, that will put you and him on the same page so you can address what your daughter did in a way he finds appropriate.

If he says his kids won't be there if your daughter is there, point out that this would mean divorce. Tell him you think there's a solution that won't involve divorce if you and he address it together. Be calm and never let him think you don't take this as seriously as he does.

Don't defend your daughter, but remind him she's 15 and hurt. Tell him to her, this is probably only about hurt feelings, not about outing his son any more than it would have been if SS had been kissing a girl.

I hope your daughter has only outted SS to his own family. She must be stopped from taking this "public." That should be the first thing addressed with her. But get your husband on board first.

Life is complicated, isn't it? Geez, who would have thought this impossible situation would happen???

nengooseus's picture

Why would she have been so upset to see them making out?  It sounds to me like it was a surprise to her, as well.  That the SKIDS may have known all about it, but she didn't.

And if the SKIDS follow the notion that if you hurt me, I'll hurt you worse, it seems like this was par for the course in this household, just it was OP's kid doing the hurting this time.  I'm not saying it's OK to "out" people, but it's also not OK to let your stepsibling pine after a guy that they know is in a relationship and gay, to boot.  But it seems like cruelty has been accepted in this house, as long as the peace was kept.

OP, this isn't about your DD outing her stepbrother.  You all rugswept issues for 8 years and allowed these children well too much power.  Can you wrestle the power back from this BS?  Doesn't sound like it to me.

Willow2010's picture

  Agreed! The best reaction from the parents would have been DH saying to SS, "Hey buddy, it's no big deal. I love you and accept you for who you are. Ignore your stepsister. She did this to hurt you - don't let it. Your family supports you."

And the OPs daughter should be made to apologize and punished for behaving in such a vicious manner



 This.  I get the boy is hurt and upset but damn…he was making out at school where tons of people probably saw him.  And I get that the girl was totally cruel.  Most teen girls are.  Especially when hurt.   No surprise there and it does not make her a monster. She should apologize and move on.   And now the boy is going to think being gay is terribly wrong since everyone is freaking out.  

 Buuut besides AAALLL of that…I would move out with my kids and live apart until all are in college.   This will not get better under the same roof with all the kids that dislike each other.  Just won’t work.  Good luck.  Your DD did wrong but they are all over reacting IMHO.   

MorganJones's picture

Don't really think your daughter did anything wrong and certainly didn't out her step brother. If he wasn't out, why would he be behaving this way in public? Your SK's are toxic and the entire situation sounds really unhealthy for everyone involved.

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Why is BD  being punished to protect SS from the "shame" of being gay? He's gay, so what? Now imagine if BD had caught SD making out with football hottie? It's an a$$hole move to not tell your own sibling that their crush is off the market and a double a$$hole move to date the person your sibling has a crush on, gay, straight, attack helicopter.

not only that, the siblings played an exclusion game of staggering proportions with your BD. They kept this secret from her in her own home and, on a larger scale, let her make a fool of her self over this boy who is making out with her brother in front of God and everybody. It doesn't sound like the lovebirds are all that private. 

Also, your BD didn't "out" him. By my calculations, she only stated an open secret that was already known to over 50% of the people at the table. 

This "backlash" is just gaslighting from the skids to distract from their own atrocious behavior.

barbKarin's picture

She did out him. Against his wishes. THat is disgusting behavior. It's not her information to divulge.

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

It's 2018. People are allowed to be gay openly and this situation should be approached from the same viewpoint as if it was a straight couple. Even if that wasn't the case, the kid is dating a football player. I would be surprised if anyone didn't know they are all gay. Clearly no one cares since the boys haven't caught a beat down.


barbKarin's picture

It's 2018 and gay youth are still being harrased, bullied and even murdered in some countries. They are even committing suicide.

They are also being kicked out of their homes by their own parents. Here, in America.

twoviewpoints's picture

The man didn't ask for a divorce. He didn't say he was moving out and never coming back. 

The man said he didn't want to see his stepdaughter right now. I can understand that. He just chased his kid out the door to deal with the blow smacked at the dining room table by a nasty stepsister who has made it clear she has no use for the kid nor any of his siblings. 

The man should be able to put himself together prior to coming home and dealing with the stepdaughter who deliberately and cruelly thought outing the kid was appropriate dining table conversation. 

No, he's not making his son and daughter come back. What he said though was not as long as the stepsister is there. The stepsister is 50/50 visiting her own father. He didn't say his children won't come during those off weeks. He didn't say ' this is the end your daughter must be banned from the home or our marriage is over'. 

These kids, all of them, already hated each other. I don't think it was all so terrible that the father went after his son. He has a lot to discuss with his son. Sure , the whole school might have known, but that's not the same as telling his father.It was up to the boy when he felt he was ready to talk to Dad about it. 

Fortunately, the father, from what little was written, seems to be going to be supportive of his son. Not all parents are. And some slowly come to accept .  Some never accept at all. 

I find it strange, that skids who supposedly make their own meals and pretend half the household does not exist , suddenly decided  all sit down and seemingly have the one big happy family family meal to start with. I also find it strange that a mother would keep pushing her daughter to talk about what's 'wrong' at the dinner table with the entire group sitting there (who mother knows hate each other) to discuss 'what's wrong, sweetie' as if the girl should open up in front of her 'enemies. 




Survivingstephell's picture

You said in the post that there is a history of bad blood between the kids that therapy could not solve.  I wonder what's been going on between them all that you don't know about that led to this.  I think you need to spend some quality time with your bios and really find out what's going on.  Its a pretty aggessive move in the war of the skids, what brought it on?  

I also wonder if your girls are jealous of the skids.  They seem to be "perfect" as you describe them but didn't you didn't give much of a description of your own girls.  I'd be pissed if my mom thought my step siblings are better then me and would lash out in a way at that age that would make a skid less than perfect.  Too bad the brain isn't fully formed at 15 and the ability to think things through isn't there yet.

I think you have a bigger mess than you think you do.  Doesn't sound like  you started off the kids with respecting each other and have been playing catch up, originally missing the boat in the early stages of blended family life.  

OP take a hard look at the way you have parented your bios since having DH and skids in your life.  Have you pushed them into being vindictive by the way you think about the skids?  Read your post again and see how you explained each set of kids.  Have you sacrificed your relationship/loyality with the bios in an effort to get the skids to like you?    


STaround's picture

OP's kids may even think that the stepkids get more time with their mom than the do (which cannot be helped).  And yes, brain not fully developed.  

I think OP should ask DH to ask the SS, what can be done to get past this.  

I would also suggest volunteer work for OP's DD, maybe in conjunciton with anti-bullying groups or the Gay Straight Alliance.   

marblefawn's picture

I don't know...I think it might have been pretty crushing for the daughter to see SS making out with her crush and feeling as if all her stepsibs kept it from her. I'm not sure how malicious her outting him really was. It's hard to tell without knowing the kids. But kids today have a very different view of being gay than older generations do -- she might not have felt she was outting him. You just don't know without personally knowing the players.

Regardless, we know daughter is hurt, SS is probably furious and maybe ashamed, and dad is most likely shocked, but definitely in protective mode. I think when there's hurt all around, it's easier to fix than when just one person is hurt.

Everyone could have behaved better in this instance. The sibs might have told the daughter the hottie is gay and left it at that. The SS might have told dad sooner, especially if he was comfortable making out school and knowing it might get back to the wrong person. The daughter might have privately told her mom what she saw and how pained she is.

As usual, SM is in the hot seat now to fix this mess: answering for her daughter's behavior, dealing with her daughter's hurt, dealing with her daughter being the source of this secret "coming out," husband's anger...

Calmbeforethestorm, don't take this on the chin too much. Kids ARE cruel and your blended household wasn't very blended before this. That might not be anybody's fault. Anyone who saw SS making out might have spilled the beans to his dad. It was your daughter, though, but as we so often hear from these dads, "I can't control how my child behaves!"

This is a good time to demand all your household have more respect for each other. Become the biggest victim of all of them. Say you're sick of this shit and it must stop. Tell them if they can't find a way to be respectful, there will be a lot more hurt ahead because you won't stand for it. Say they are all old enough to find better ways to cope. Tell your daughter she put you and your marriage in a terrible state. Tell the sibs they might have kindly told your daughter her crush is not on the team she thinks.

But before all this, set things straight with your husband. You must be united and solid when you address this with all your kids.Tell him you can no more control after the fact how your daughter handled this than he can control how his kids handle things. Then get on the same page with how you'll address each kid's behavior. His indignation is somewhat warranted, but saying anyone can't be in the house because of it is a cop out. People don't storm off when things are shaky. That's not what you want to show any of the kids.

They all contributed to this situation a little or a lot. Make them face it and live in the same space. Separating just implies an "us versus them" dynamic that was already in play, and they'll see if they cause enough disruption, they get what they want -- a life without a step family. Make them all own their part so they see you are not taking sides and they can't divide your marriage with shitty behavior.

Rags's picture

Kids have to learn through experience.  DD-15 is learning how to deal with the pains of unrequited young love and SS-15 is learning to navigate life as a  young gay man while journeying through the usual teen angst loaded sexual discovery process. 

As parents of a gay man one regret that my bride and I have is that our son did not share with us his journey and struggles with coming to grips with  his sexuality.  He came out to us when he was 20.  I was not surprised but his mom was blind sided.  I had suspected since he was fairly young and when he was 17 I happened to confront him about using his lap top in violation of consequences we invoked for his brain fart return home from Military School.  He could not be on his computer except in our study with the door open and only then if he was working on school assignments.  He was not allowed to have his bedroom door closed.  I had come out of our room to see the office door open, no lap top and his bedroom door closed.  So I knocked once and walked in.  He slammed his laptop shut.  I calmly told him that I didn't want to fight about it so just open the laptop and show me what he was working on.

Up popped gay porn.  He swore up and down that he was looking at "normal" porn when the gay port window popped open.  I told him that gay porn is normal porn just like hetero porn but that the point was that he wasn't supposed to be on his computer except per the stipulations he was given by his mom and I.  He apologized. Then I started the discussion regarding him being able to come to his mom and I to talk if he needed our ear and support. He said that he knew he could come to us about anything but that he wasn't gay and didn't have anything he needed to talk to us about on the topic. He then implored me not to tell his mom he was surfing porn.

That is the only thing I have ever kept from my bride. I struggled with not telling her but I kept his confidence.

While your DD's actions are less than sensitive I don't think that they are particularly egregious for a 15yo.  Rather than being angry at your DD your DH needs to get his head on straight and focus on supporting  his son as he navigates this part of his life as a  young gay man.

My wife and I wish we could have been there for our son.  Your DH now has that opportunity.

This juvenile "we're not coming home if she is there" crap is pathetic coming from your SKids. It is puke worthy coming from your husband.

This is a difficult situation for all but half of those involved throwing juvenile tantrums and being all butt hurt rather than engaging in discussion and resolution efforts is ridiculous.

IMHO of course.


Rags's picture

Now for the rest of our story.... When SS came out to us he of course threw my ass under the bus with his mom.  "What you mean you didn't know mom?  The moms always know.  Besides, you and and dad talk about everything and I know he told you!"


So I had some splaining to do to my bride.  It was a good talk. There were some tears, lots of laughs, and ultimately we just kept getting closer as a family than we already were.  6 years later, he is still our kid, we are still his parents and we talk fairly regularly about the trials and tribulations of his love life.

The poor kid has been a bit of a hermit for most of the last year due to the failure of a ~16yo root canal to one of his front teeth (he ate a curb while riding his bike when he was ~8 and snapped both of his front teeth off at the gum line.  They were about 1/3 of the way grown in when he did that.).  So he has been toothless and his social confidence has been at about zero. The clip in temp tooth is fine but he has to take it out to eat and he is extremely self conscious. 

After an extraction, bone graft, installation of the anchor he is just now starting to re-engage on dating.  One thing he did do was work out like a fiend while he was going through the dental reconstruction stuff and he has no proclaimed himself to be "gay skinny".  Apparently this is a thing in the gay community. He looks great, very well muscled, cut and very rugged looking. I am envious of his incredible beard.  He has been able to grow a full beard by noon every day since he was 16.  I am 54 and can barely grow what looks like an albino Chia pet with mange over the course of 3 months.  sigh.

Rather than feeding the angst of this situation the OP and her DH need to nip this crap in the bud and get this family back to communicating.  To not do so is tragic and they all will lose an incredible opportunity to bond, get closer and to support the young man as a family.

IMHO of course.

STaround's picture

Rags, anyone who reads your posts see your sincere love for your SS.  That does not exist in this situation.   Not clear to me how long the disengagement (by OP and the stepkids) has been going on, but entirely different situation.   

What have OP and her DD done to support the family?   Not certain where to go in this.  

Rags's picture

Yes it is a different sitution. However, with mainstream recognition and acceptance of gay relationships as normal there is no need for anyone to get any more butt hurt about this instance than if SD-15 had caught her crush mugging with a female.

Dad and the Skids are doing far worse in making this far more than it is and over dramatizing the situation for the gay young man.  We didn't make a huge deal about it when SS came out other than to commit our love and support and to caution him that "Life can be challenging and this will make it even more challenging for you. There are some people who will not be kind about you being gay so please keep your head in the game, be aware of your surroundings and be safe.... We love you."

My younger brother went to school with mathew Shepard and I knew him.  I do not want that outcome for anyone but when my SS came out to his mom and I I wanted to caution him to be very aware of his surroundings and the people around him.

I did not lament that he was gay or over dramatize that he is gay. He is my son. I want him safe, and I want him happy. 

This dad and his biosibs should want the same thing and not to overly coddle or over dramatize this into being far more than it is.  It is in the family now and will stay there unless either the biosibs or stepsibs blabber. 

IMHO of course.

STaround's picture


People who work with HS students STRONGLY reccoment against outing of HS students, see  page 13 attached.   It is a personal decision to disclose and the DD violated the right to make that disclosure.  Dad is not making it far worse, he is apparently accepting his son and supporting him.   I would suggest they all mention what OP's DD said in therapy and see what the therapist says.  

There is a difference between coddling a kid and saying stay away from people who are deliberately mean to you.  

I doubt the stepkids are the ones who will blabber this at school.

Rags's picture

Apparently it is common knowledge at school among a number of students.  Making out on campus isn’t keeping this private.

notasm3's picture

Would it have been such a "serious offense" (almost criminal to some of you) if her DD had mentioned SS making out with a girl?

Most of the young people that I know don't give a 2nd thought as to someone's sexuality.   It sounds like you DH has some big hangups.

Ispofacto's picture

This.  It sounds like SS's gayness wasn't the issue.  I think DD would have been equally angry to see SD making out with her crush.  They knew DD had a crush, and didn't let her know he was "taken".


STaround's picture

For OP to consider herself the biggest victim, would be minimizing the SS's hurt.  I would not advise it.  Her DD caused this problem, to assinging equal guilt to all stinks.  

I have yet to hear what the DD's punishment was, other than being sent to her room. 

twoviewpoints's picture

For Pete's sake, this only just happened. 

They all need a bit a time. Kids are in school all day today. OP and Dh probably either trying to work or trying to take the day off to discuss what happened and what's next from here.

These kids managed to make their own way around their differences once before. There was a 'truce' . They can do it again if given time to think, heal and readjust. 

Op and her DH can forget about any of the kids ever being friends, let alone act like siblings and play big happy blended family. Never going to happen. But they can work through this.

I, myself, see nothing wrong in allowing OP's two skids to stay a short while with the grandparents. It gives the adults time to talk and interact with both sides before pushing them back together. With OP's kids at their father's one week and SF's kids home, the at home group can talk and regroup. Then vice versa with the SF's kids at grandparents the next week while Mom and SF talk with them and regroup. 

Slowly bringing all the little darlings back together. But right now, the two adults need to talk, set rules and expectations and agree to what will fly in the home and what will. not. Until the parents can settle down, provide a strong united front and are solid with each other , pushing these kids back together instantly tonight will do little but implode what's left. 

And what do you suggest for the one girl's punishment? Hang her up by her toes to the ceiling fan? There has to be some thought put into this. SF and Mom have to both be satisfied and the girl really has to learn. I don't see this as a take her electronic for a month type offense. And it's not just her. I think all these kids could use some lessons in multiple areas. Treating others as one desires to be treated, for starters. I'm thinking all the kids do some joint community service. Where they would all have to work together and depend on each other to get through it. 

STaround's picture

Punishing all for OP's kid transgression is just wrong.  No one would suggest that if the stepkid did this.  Unless OP is leaving something out, HER kid violated the truce. I suggested comunity service, and yes would take away electronics.   

Can they work through this?  Who knows.  

OP cannot control what her DD did.  But that does mean she can blame everyone.   


twoviewpoints's picture

All of them have sh*tty attitudes. 

I'm suggesting a bit of necessary team work might do all these kids some good.

Team work effort usualy requires having to work as a unit. Example, it won't be successful if all gears aren't properly moving. 

STaround's picture

I could say OP is not pulling for the team either.   And being deliberately mean and vicous is worse than the attiitude.   

Booboobear's picture

I would be supporting my DD in this situation. no way I would be supporting DH in this situation. 

I wish there was a thumbs down button.

amyburemt's picture

They are all nuts. I have 4 in my house and i'm surprised i haven't turned to booze. They are ALL drama, all about their friends and school and all selfish. That being said, it is like a 3 ring circus until they go to college. I have one that hates me and my kids, 1 that I get along with, a daughter who is a lesbian and a son who is dramatic. Keep in mind their brains are still developing and that all you can pretty much do is to set and be the example that you wish them to emulate.

simifan's picture

I think the problem here is DH's reaction. But your DH's reaction of staying somewhere else was a complete overreaction and just as drama ladden as the teen's behavior. Where is his loyalty to you? Drama was both kids fault. Was it a nasty thing to out him? Of Course, but making out at school is not exactly in the closet.  Would DH have gone somewhere else if it was SD? Highly doubtful.