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is she this dumb or is it a game for her?

Calypso1977's picture

A sampling of questions from fiance and answers from SD14:

Where is your lacrosse game today? I don't know. What team are you playing? I don't know.

How was your track meet? Good. Did you win? I don't know. What do you mean you don't know? It was a team event. So did your team win? I don't know.

When is your last day of school for the summer? I don't know. (doesnt every kid have this date burned on their brain??).

Apparently she's applied for a job for the summer. Ill give her points there, but would anyone like to take a wager on how long she actually lasts there? She will either be bored instantly or get fired within a month is my guess.

No Name SM's picture

Ahhh this is the same with SD17. DRIVES ME MENTAL. I then ask "do you know anything?" I use to ask how her day was and she would say "boring" or "I was at school" Gee you don't say! You were at school? Amazing! Finally I just stopped asking.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

These kids aren't paying any attention to anything anymore! Before moving out, HHB did this kind of crap all the time, and always blamed it on someone else. Seriously, you mean to tell me that NONE of the teachers or coaches up at that school tell the kids anything until the very last minute? Really? Get off your stupid smartphone and pay attention!

Glassslipper's picture

DS used to do this ALL the time! DD tried it a few times, doesn't work well for her either...

Its a power play, and manipulation scheme, to get you to REALLY go out of your way to talk with and bond with them.

Like you will suddenly think,
"oh no! my precious little baby isn't opening up to me, I should take them to get ice cream and a new ipod so we can spend quality time together"

Doesn't work in my house, Whatever...don't talk to me then, we eill drive home in silence then!
Or DS would CRY "how come DD gets ALL the attention!"
Um, because she is talking to me...not just saying "I don't know Mom rudely"

As I tell them now: "relationships are a 2 way street you have to put in just as much effort to keep them alive, its not my job to keep our relationship, you have to participate too."

ChiefGrownup's picture

Applause! Applause! Applause!

"As I tell them now: "relationships are a 2 way street you have to put in just as much effort to keep them alive, its not my job to keep our relationship, you have to participate too."