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Disrespectful Skids

Duplexlivin228's picture

I know most teenagers are another breed, mine are grown up with their own. 

I'm stepmum to two teen girls for last four years and things are getting unbearable. 

They only come once a month thankfully, but when they do oh boy.

My husband and I argue from a few days before till after they've gone. 

I can't believe how disrespectful they are to both of us. They treat our home like its a hotel, not that I want them to feel awkward being here. I've provided a bin and bags for their sanitary towels but they just get thrown in bin unwrapped. They just throw their stuff where it drops. Sit with headphones on all weekend and not utter a word unless it's for food. Then when bedtime comes they literally argue who's sleeping near the charging point for their phone, which usually ends up with a pulling hair full on fight. I'm too old for this crap. I don't mind them being here but the lies they go back to their mum with are grating on me.

I've tried talking to hubby but he thinks I hate them, I don't, I just don't want this atmosphere knowing what the weekend is going to be like. 

I have health issues including mental health. All I want is them to come and behave. If they're old enough to be in boyfriend relationships then they're old enough to know right from wrong.

I'm tired of it all. 

Please don't tell me it's just teenagers, mine weren't great but these are on a whole new level. 

tog redux's picture

It's not just teenagers. It's coddled teenagers whose father is afraid to set limits because he knows they will stop coming over if he does. Don't let his "you hate them" nonsense stop you from standing up for yourself. How old are they and how long do they stay?

Duplexlivin228's picture

14 and 15. 

Used to come every other weekend then covid struck. Now have them once a month Friday to Sunday as we live quite a distance away from them now. 

tog redux's picture

Pick your battles - set down rules with DH that you must have for your sanity and insist that DH enforces them. He can empty the garbage in the bathroom every time you see a pad in there. He can clean up after them. He can feed and water them.

As for the headphones, who cares. Let them sit and ignore you, then you'll have peace at least. 

Duplexlivin228's picture

I've refused to cook meals for years as got sick of half of it being thrown in bin, and I'm a good cook. It's just they eat crap at home we eat healthy. 

I told hubby yesterday he can empty smell sanitary towel bin. 

It's the atmosphere I'm struggling with as it plays on my mental health. I've taken myself to bed early on occasions to get away from it but I think why should I? This is my home, they are guests. 

If my adult kids ever stayed, which they don't, they wouldn't treat my home like this. 

How would they like it if when they get a house I come in sling my bag coat shoes on hall floor so can't get out. Or go through my kitchen cupboards for food or plates. It's my space, I don't want anyone in there



tog redux's picture

Agreed, the problem is, what can you do? They don't listen and your husband won't parent them.  Unless you leave for the weekend they are there, or leave entirely. 

Duplexlivin228's picture

Sorry if any of my post upset anyone, I just needed to rant and get off my chest. 

So, today, I'd already pre booked to have my hair done but didn't tell my hubby until I was going out the door, his reply was well we won't be in when you get back. He actually never set foot out door only to go to bin, as we have a door cam. 

I've realised I'm now dealing with 2 unruly teenagers and a dad who's acting like a child. He's not talking to me now and guessing going out today will get me an ear hole full about going out while the kids are here when they've gone home tomorrow.

I'm just going to ignore it all and do my own thing. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

It's hard when you have already raised your kids, to start over with a man with younger kids. You think, i've been there/done that, it will be easy, i have a lot of experience with kids that age and i can add a lot to the situation! Then reality hits. Dealing with someone else's children, when they have behavior problems, and they have a BM buzzing around making plans for the kids with your DH behind your back. It's nothing like having your own. At some point you just want to be done and be an empty nester if you don't have control of your own home. Only half of my nest is empty but i'm feeling it. 

Duplexlivin228's picture

I'm done with it all. Feel like I'm a stranger in my own home. 

Husbands made it very difficult this weekend after I went to get my hair cut yesterday. He sees it as I've planned it because skids are here, in reality it's only time I can get an appointment. I also said I wasn't doing sausage casserole in slow cooker, he's took it I'm being a pig about it, real fact is I'd decided I was cooking sausages in oven. I can't even be bothered to put my point across. 

So since yesterday it's no talking from him. Atmosphere is awful.