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There is hope

steponmeagain's picture

Well, SS23 moved away 6 months ago.  Of course he needed some assistance and was coming back a lot on weekends which was driving me nuts.  He is finally starting to get it.  Its been such a tough road with him for the last 7 years but he is actually growing up and has held a job for the entire time he has been away.  My fingers are crossed that he keeps it up as i am finally able to start letting go of my resentment from his past issues.  I won't ever forget them but its getting easier.

tog redux's picture

Well, that's good!

I have no hope for my SS19, but I don't really have to deal with him much.  Thank god he wants to be BM's partner and doesn't come around much.

steponmeagain's picture

Course we are in counselling for how I was so disengaged to him and unsupportive of my wfie.  Disengagement is a dangerous tool. but is necessary lots of times.   It has to be played right with all the consequences thought about before hand.  He is doing well which I happy for.  Its all the past resentment that is hard to deal with.