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Supervised visitation

Useyourname's picture

My ex attempted suicide about 4 times in the last year. We filed a protection order against him after the last suicide attempt back in August 09. The protection order was lifted (but not without BD violating it atleast once by txting me asking if we could "talk" it out. The new order went in effect that it would be supervised visitation in 1 hour increments at a place in town here that records the sessions. He also was required to get a psych eval which once he found out that it was going to cost over $500 he tried to talk me out of that as well but I stuck to my guns!
He finally had the psych eval done and the psych eval more or less says that it is recommended that we continue supervised visitation awhile longer to make sure BD goes to counseling and takes his medication. He wasnt actually diagnosed with anything but it did say he presented symptoms of bi-polar.
Has anyone else had to deal with this? My kids want to see him unsupervised again and spend more time with him but obviously we will have awhile yet. How do you explain to the kids? My kids are 8,10 and 12.

lm2's picture

The kids are old enough to understand mental illness to a certain extent. Because this situation can result in his death they should know about it. Teach your kids to appreciate the time they get with their father while he is dealing with this sickness, letting them know that when he gets better they will get more time with him.

Dont rush to return to unsupervised visitation. Right now it is protecting your kids from a person who wants to vacate this life.

IAMTHEMOM's picture

My SS BM has always had supervised visitation since he was 7 mths old.. the last time we went to court she was allowed 8 hrs unsupervised (for 3 months) when we were done she now sees him less than when we started. Her supervisors are her parents! BIG mistake never ever do that!! Blood is thicker than water.. Now if we want it changed we have to go back to court again..