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Why does DH not make SS clean up after himself??

newmommy05's picture

So we just had SS on the weekend and of course our car is completely trashed. DH lets SS eat, unwrap toys, leave papers and crap all over the car and it bugs the hell outta me. I've told him before to make him clean up after himself: bring the toy wrappers out when he leaves the car, put all his garbage into a bag, etc. But obviously none of this is listened to. Ijust get so irritated because it's MY car! SS is 7 going on 8 btw, its not like he's 2. He has no respect for my stuff. And in his boosterseat, he keeps kicking the back of the front seat and makes a mess there too. DH is pretty good about cleaning up after him at our house, but thats because I don't care about that. I throw all his stuff into his room and close the door!

christinen's picture

This sounds just like my DH. SD is more than capable of cleaning up after herself but for some reason DH never makes her do it. She doesn't do ANYTHING for herself. Last night, she was eating a snack in the living room and handed DH her trash and said "will you throw this out for me?" I couldn't take it. I said nope, we're not doing anything for you that you can do for yourself. I had enough of that helpless crap. I'm so sick of seeing Barbie crap all over the house too, but I do what you do- throw it in her room & shut the door!

Orange County Ca's picture

Dad is afraid of the kid some day saying the dreaded "I don't want to see you anymore" and with good reason. Unfortunately for you he's choses to make the kids visits 'fun' rather than a time for parent child interaction.

Why isn't this kid riding in Dad's car? Isn't that the solution?