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He’ll learn

screwcopper's picture

SO gets his 4 yead old EOW. Well for some reason he doesnt tell her to pick up her toys and put them up nor does he tell her to throw away her trash. 

So what do I clean when its cleaning day? Everything BUT the living room. Literally wrappers and toys everywhere and im talking the small toys.

To push his buttons , I wait till its next week (her leaving week) and on the weekend (her leaving day but also our chill day) to ask him to clean up the living room. He hates cleaning and hates when I nag at him which is often because he always needs help.

I noticed recently when he gave her something to snack on he said throw it away when your done and she did. But after that no reminders and it was trashed. So when I told him last week (we had her) to clean up the living room he got upset because he wanted to chill. So i said wel its dirty and needs to be cleaned.

He will eventually get tired of having to clean up after his kid , once he notices I save that room just for him.


Harry's picture

Unless you make DH start parenting.  It's going to be SD in control of your home.  You the be the maid, cook, and taxi driver, vacation tour guide ect ect

ESMOD's picture

Unfortunately, he is unlikely to learn really.. he will just keep cleaning up and resenting you for making him do it.  

Cover1W's picture

Good keep doing it. Making DH do the same thing worked for me. I took care of some things but those that got on my last nerve I disengaged from. Sure, DH bristled at it but I stuck tobit firmly and calmly.

He's going through it again with the dishes issue and YSD. Like usual she's learned to just leave her dirty dishes in/around the sink. I refuse to do other's dishes unless they've cooked AND there's no reason they cannot use the dishwasher. DH actually complained the other day that he was "...doing a LOT of dishes" lately. Yes, DH, you are, and why is that?

Picardy III's picture

Oh, the dirty dishes in/around the sink. Makes my blood pressure rise. Everyone in my household is now well trained to put them straight in the dishwasher, except incorrigible OSS. 
He does listen to DH/me and apologizes every time... but how can anyone consistently "not remember"?!

I've considered putting the dirty dishes on his bed... but that's just more work for me, schlepping them upstairs.

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, YSD is doing it just because she can, because DH does them for her with not a peep, except to me.  I don't even ask her to do it any longer unless she's helping me with dinner clean up and I'm 'in charge.'

It was funny, the other night DH was again complaining about dishes - I had cooked several nights in a row and he allowed them to stack up. This is because I'm on a dishes strike; he was annoyed that I was always 'so busy' and I needed to relax and 'not do so much.' So i'm NOT doing so much and who's complaining now?  LOL. To his dishes comment I simply said, well, if I do them then you don't even think about it and viola - yes, it's work! I'm simply working at not doing to much and this is what happens....


Picardy III's picture

The ridiculous part of all their complaining: if they just took care of each dish immediately after dirtying it, there would be no pile to address!
But no, that would require consideration  of their impact on shared space and actually cleaning up as they go...