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SS Birthday Party

karenj's picture

My step son will be turning 5 soon and dh and I would like to throw him a birthday party. We all get along great and I love him like he is my own. BM on the other hand is manipulative, loud , hates me, very negative and i just want nothing to do with her so i do not want her at the party. she probably will throw him a party anyways on his actual birthday. I am curious as to what your opinion is on inviting her? Also i need ideas this is my first party. I thought about going somewhere where they host parties but im pretty sure bm will show up and start drama which i cant stand especially in a public place with children. we also could have it at our place which at least i know she cant come. Its wonter though so im not sure about the weather or what we can do. SS has been asking for a party and he loves super heros, sports, playing, coloring etc

Kes's picture

I would be inclined not to throw a party, but to arrange an outing for him and tell him he can invite several good friends along - maybe the outing could be linked somehow with sports or superheros.
If you throw a party, you can be sure BM will come along and ruin it, or bitch forever about not being invited. An outing is just a bit less contentious, I feel.

Disneyfan's picture

Don't invite mom.

Don't invite people who talk to mom. They may tell her the time\location.

Don't tell SS~ make it a surprise party. That way he can't share details with mom.

BSgoinon's picture

Who says you have to invite her? I have thrown my SS 8 birthday parties and never once invited BM. And we get along.

karenj's picture

The thing is I don't know any of his friends parents so this is also a way to get to know them and also we can start having play dates.
So the only way I can invite friends that I can think of is inviting his class so I'm sure bm will find out!
At our place I know she won't come because she has in the past done so and I warned her I would call the police next time she's at our place. However in a public place I can't really control that.

Orange County Ca's picture

Would she actually arrive at your front door without a specific invitation?

I'd opt for the outing and invite how ever number of children you want to come along.

What I did was just have a second birthday party with my parents, current wife and kids.

karenj's picture

She used to just show up until I threatened her! Now things have got really bad he wouldn't dare come to my house! It would basically be a second party because she has him on his actual birthday and I'm sure she will plan something and invite dh but not me like she did lay year! Thank goodness my dh doesn't put up with that I choose not to go to avoid drama and he doesn't like to be around her either!

karenj's picture

Also is it normal for people to be invited to 2 parties? I think she's going to send out invitations to his class and so will we. He will have 2 parties on different dates!