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Why Adult Children Seek Parent that Abandons

AVR1962's picture

Read something I wanted to share as this has been a question I have asked myself repeatedly and I know other parents on here have done the same. When I read "nonverbal" I saw it as the act of the parents leaving that caused the child so much pain and possibly made them feel unloved or unwated by the parent that left.

"If a child is told, verbally or nonverbally, that he is or she is of little value, young parts of the child organize their beliefs around that premise. They become deperate for redemption in the eyes of the person who gave these messages. Thereafter these parts carry the burden or wirthlessness, which makes them believe that no one can love them- a belief they will maintain no matter what feedback is received from others. This feels like a theft of self-esteem from the very person who took it away. Ironically, the person responsible for the theft becomes the redeemer. In this way, seeking the comfort becomes an operative pattern in the adult life. These burdened young parts exert a powerful influence over the person's intimate relationships as they constantly seek redemption- the lifting of what feels like a curse of unlovability. They will return to the person who stole their self-esteem in this quest, or they will find someone who resembles that person......Other parts of the child's self are likely to take on the qualities of the person who stole his or her self-esteem and sense of safety." author, Peg Streep

AVR1962's picture

I'm only a few years behind you myself and I can say life is a HUGE learning process, no doubt. Have to agree with StepAside, I would take the comment as a compliment. Are we supposed to be angels in puiblic and then furious lovers under covers? We are real people.

My husband and I who raised 4 steps, his and mine, have said for years now that there had to be something about the absent parent leaving that caused the children to seek their relationship and swollow all their garbage line,hook and sinker as we saw it play out ourselves with our kids as they turned adults. Reading this finally put validation to what we have witnessed. Sad actually because both of our exes filled out kids' heads with nothing but lies. I think the absent parent had to justify their actions to the kids and they did so with stories to make themselves look good and us look bad.

My only hope is that one day the kids will be able to see the truth, realize what has happened, and justice will be served on the exes who were selfish enough to hurt their own children with such false claims.