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Vacationing with adult skids - who pays for them?

Is_What_It_Is's picture

I'm still fairly new to the whole blended family/skid environment, Dh and I have been married a bit over 4 years. He has 4 kids, 2 girls age 16 and 19, and 2 boys age 21 and 23. I have one, she is 15. I was divorced, he was widowed.

I've been stalking, reading issues and situations - many are EXACTLY what has been going on in our house, only the names have changed. It is nice to know that I am not the only "horrible stepmomster" out there who isn't head-over-heels for her skids. I do not share any of this with anyone - they aren't blended so they just don't understand how one could not be enamored with the skids or how much shame it brings that those warm, fuzzy feelings just aren't there. The kids themselves aren't bad kids but they are your typical lazy, smart a$$ know-it-all's who pretty much think they run the house - and they exhibit the typical skid behavior of ignoring the wicked stepmom and excluding her evil DD from anything and everything. While Dh is a wonderful, caring, attentive, hard-working, do anything for anyone good 'ol boy - he can also be non-confrontational at times and tends to let things roll off his back a bit easier than I do. In a nutshell, that is dysfunctional us.

My question is about vacations - when you vacation with the kids/skids/adult skids - who pays for what? We are planning on vacationing next summer which will include the younger two children - but the older skids who will be 20, 22, and 24 at that time and automatically assume they are going to. Is it unreasonable to have the "adult" skids pay for all of their tickets, food, souvenirs, etc. but we will pay for all lodging (cottage or cabin for the week). I talked to Dh about it and he doesn't have a strong opinion one way or the other. I get it, they are his bio's and he wants to treat them to all the same luxuries as the youngest 2 - but they are technically considered adults and I have a hard time paying their way when they are ungrateful for anything their father does for them.

Any advice?

So_Annoyed's picture

We just went through this. I paid for my kids DD20 & DS21, and he paid for his SD13. Our finances are separate, so that makes it easier, but as a rule he pays anything to do with his kid, and I pay for mine. Even if I take a trip w/o DH and invite one of his kids along, he still pays for her travel and expenses. Once my kids are out of college and working, I would expect them to pay for themselves.

sandye21's picture

This is what I asked DH to do after spending all sorts of money on SD and her husband on vacations, and it really worked. They NEVER contributed - even for a tip. And we never got a 'thank you'. Plus they were not so nice to me. So I told him I would pay for my family and he could pay for his. Funny how suddenly he was not as generous with SD!

ksmom14's picture

You're probably going to get a lot of variation in opinions on this one. I don't have any adult skids, and DH and I have combined finances so I'm not sure what my opinion is on it.

However, my parents stopped paying for my portion of trips when I turned 18.

I think it is quite fair for you and DH to pay the lodging bill and ask the skids to cover their other expenses. It might be a nice gesture to cover their meal once for a nice family dinner or something. But lodging is one of the most expensive parts of a vacation so I think that is very fair to just cover that.

EDIT: I only say that it would be nice to cover a meal because prices at restaurants can vary considerably, and the restaurant you and DH would like to go to may not be affordable for skids. So try to help accommodate their budget when choosing restaurants or offer to help pay if you are picky about where you go.

Cover1W's picture

I don't understand paying for adult kids to go on vacation.

I agree with paying for 18 year olds if still in high school, but my parents, my own parents!, did not pay for any of my vacations once I was in college.

They helped me visit home on holidays but otherwise, what the heck!?
My parents have several times wanted to go on a "family cruise" or something like that in which they have offered to cover airfare (but the cruise itself has always been too expensive or not what we want to do to go on) but all other expenses were our responsibility.

ESMOD's picture

Generally, the vacations we have taken have been to places we own. Obviously when they were younger, it would be assumed that "parents" pay for the kids. (this would depend on whether people have shared finances how that would work out).

The more akward situation comes in when the kids get older though. For example, this past winter/spring, my DH's 18 YO came on two trips with us to our vacation place in FL. The first time she brought a friend and the 2nd time it was her BF. We paid for pretty much the core things on the trip. Now, we did exact a little bit of manual labor out of everyone so it's not like they contributed "nothing", but I did get a little irritated that BOTH of the guests seemed to have very little money with them and the expectation was that WE paid their way everywhere.. food, excursions etc. They had their own souvenir money, but that was about it. No one offered to buy a tank of gas for the 800 plus mile each way trip in the suburban. No one offered to even pay for their own fast food snacks on the breaks. Now my SD was waiting for her job to start in the spring, so we knew she didn't have a lot of money.. but I was sort of floored that the parents of the two other kids didn't think it would have been appropriate to send them on the trip with some money with instructions to buy their hosts a meal or offer to buy a tank of gas.

Next trip we take with others, we will be setting different expectations up front.

Journey Perez's picture

Adult step kids should pay their own way. Parents paying for the lodging is enough. They will have a place to stay on the vacay and that's generous. They should figure out everything else.

When I turned 18, our yearly family vacation dynamic changed. I would bring my friends and they paid their way as I did as well. We drove ourselves to the destination, paid our own gas and everything else. Contributed on the food and cooking and I paid for all my own activities. I had no problem doing this.

Thumper's picture

Before you invite everyone you must decide what the intent it of this vacation.

IS it just to say "HEY we are taking minor kids 1,2 to xyz and IF you want to go along I will give you the hotel number to make your reservations And I will give you the ticket telephone number too. Dad and I figured we would pay for a really nice dinner and show as our treat. Transportation, Hotels and Disney passes are your responsibility.

Adult kids ask mom and dad-ARENT YOU PAYING for us, your paying for midget one and two. You must pay for USSSSSSS....

YOU-What ever gave you that idea Wink

OR-HEY everyone Dad and I have decided to pay for everyone to fly and stay at Port Orleans in WDW. The dates are such and such. We will pay for everyone's, flights, hotel rooms (4 persons per room) and Disney Tickets. YOU will pay for own food, drinks, Mouse ears etc..YOU must pay for your own TRIP cancelation insurance and that is a must or I will not confirm you.

There is not right or wrong. It just depends on your budget and intent. So figure that out first and if they must pay their way, and they want to go, they will take this year to save up.

One more thing, your not cheap if you do not pay for everyone.

ESMOD's picture

I think it's ok to accept a "gift" from your parents and a vacation could fall in that category. However, I would still want to bring some money of my own and do something nice for the parents.

Also, if you are having a financial hardship and your parents can afford it, it shouldn't be a huge deal. They love you and probably know you need the break.

AWWKNSWTD's picture

What is your financial situation? Can your husband afford to pay for his kids without your help?

Is_What_It_Is's picture

We have shared/joint finances so there really is nothing considered his or hers but all "ours".

notasm3's picture

May I make a suggestion - have lunch at Commander's Palace (one of top restaurants in the US) M-F the martinis, cosmos and 2 other sweet drinks are 25cents each. Food is also quite reasonable at lunch. You can take the streetcar to within about 3 blocks.

This web site has some good info:

There's some crappy tourist joints that you want to avoid. But that site has some good stuff. If you go to the Columns (or just pass it on the streetcar) I used to live next door.

One thing about New Orleans is that many people don't age out of clubbing. You will find all ages at many of the venues - unlike in San Francisco where so many places had no one over 25.

Is_What_It_Is's picture

Dh at 21 was working a full time job and a part-time job, was married, and already had a baby boy. I at 21 was working a full time job and paying my way for everything. Things were quite different for "our" generation - at 18 years old, you were on your own. They have no interest in doing what we do on vacation, they would go just for the trip, the food, and wi-fi - plus anything else they may get free on our dollar.

Is_What_It_Is's picture

These kids at 19, 21 & 23 are incredibly entitled (I do have a clue as to how they got that way!) and feel "put out" if we don't pay for everything as we do for the 2 minors. I seriously don't know how they are going to make it on their own. I have pretty much disengaged from the SS21 and SS23, and I am working on disengagement from SD19 too, they make it really easy for me to do. Smile

notsobad's picture

We do family vacations and we pay for most everything.

I really enjoy it. I like having everyone around and we really bond. Like Mustage we do tons of fun stuff, including games or movies at night. No always things that cost money. (No dolphin swims though, I have a huge problem with that!)

All the kids are great though, they are respectful and helpful. They will cook and clean up and fetch me and DH drinks.
We've had some amazing conversations about life, marriage, futures, the past, it's been insightful.

They have their own spending money and if they want to do an activity that hasn't been planned it's on them.

They also don't expect it. We've been talking about going somewhere next year and the problem is finding a time when everyone can get away. There's school and work and the budget but I love to plan vacations so we'll figure it out.

z3girl's picture

I think it also depends on how frequently you all intend to go on vacation. If this is going to be a regular occurrence (as in yearly), then it's fair to come up with a reasonable amount you expect the adult skids to chip in. If it's once in a blue moon, it probably doesn't hurt to treat them if you can afford it.

I rarely went on vacation with my family. When I was 20, my parents paid for all of us (my parents, myself, my brothers, and both of their wives) to travel to their home country for 2-3 weeks. This was the only time we went anywhere together as adults, so my father was proud to pay for it.

Similarly, my in-laws paid for DH and I, SIL, her then husband, and her two kids, and them to go to Bermuda to celebrate their 50th anniversary. We paid for ourselves up-front, but FIL gave us a check to cover our expenses. DH and I gave them lower numbers because we really didn't want them to pay for us, but they insisted.

We went to visit MIL and FIL in Florida this past winter, we paid our own way and didn't ask for a penny. We tried to pay for any meals out, and it's up to MIL and FIL if they decide to accept our offers. SIL visits them every year with her kids, but she does have her parents pay for their plane tickets and anything extra she can get from them. SIL is over 50, so I don't think it's fair to still expect money from your parents, but that's her.

When we went to Florida this past winter, I invited SD24. I don't expect SD to be joining us on other vacations, so I didn't mind paying for her. She only had to pay for her own souvenirs and little things she needed that I didn't have (like spray sunscreen).

GottaLaugh's picture

DH and I had to have a talk about this subject when we married as his 3 adult children were use to DH paying for everything. He also was a widower and him paying for everything came about after his LW died. Once we were married this changed. IMO if an adult child is working full time then they pay for themselves, airfares, accommodation , food , activities , the whole lot. We may pay for the odd family dinner on a vacation but that's where the buck stops. So what we do is advise the adult children of our plans via email, basically something along the lines of "We plan to spend Xmas this year at such and such a place, (usually a realtives if we are going out of town), flights and accommodation will cost $ per person and each person is to put $ into a food kitty, a contribution for the period)". They can then decide if they want and can afford to come, up to them. We have sometimes offered to pay for one of the expenses as a Xmas present for each of them, say the airfares or accommodation, but we certainly do not pay everything and what we do pay becomes their Xmas or Birthday present.

syleegirl's picture

Biological parent pays for their own kids no matter what age. Personally they should be paying themselves, but likely will expect their dad to pay for them. You should only pay for you and your child. Period.

a better life's picture

At those ages if I am inviting them to join me on vacations I am paying.

Powerfamily's picture

I think the trouble is expectations.

When we were young adults we didn't expect our parents to pay for meals/holiday ect, we paid for what we could afford or we didn't go.

Now these young adult expect everything to be paid for as that is how they have been bought up.

I'd would split the holiday you pay for you and your dc and your dh pays for him and however many of his children are going.

Is_What_It_Is's picture

Thank you all for your response, suggestions, and advice! It is so hard to know what to do at times and as I said previously - not everyone understands the difficulties that blended families face. It is so nice to know I'm not alone! Biggrin

AlmostDone's picture

Right now, DH and I will pay for SD18 to go on a trip with us (transportation, hotel, admissions, most meals). Any personal expenses (Souvenirs, extra snacks, tickets beyond admission prices) are on her. But, this is true for all the kids, even minors (all teens). In a few years, when the kids are all adults, we don't anticipate taking any of them on trips, or will have them contribute more if they do come. We also have several weekend trips planned that SD18 won't be able to join because of her work schedule. We explained to her that it's all part of becoming an adult.

Both DH and I grew up where our parents included us as adults on family trips until all siblings were adults. His mom still will invite her "kids" and their children on trips (usually just one family at a time, not all of them) and pay the major expenses. My parents are the same way, except I usually pay most of my expenses (except meals, since they are offended if I try to split or cover the bill). Two of my siblings (40s and 50s) still let my parents pick up the entire tab when they vacation together,

Old sm's picture

We rent a place that's big enough to accomodate bio and step kids. If SD shows up, fine. If not, more room for us.

But if we were to do something like a cruise, SD would have to pay her own ticket.