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dodgegal05's picture

I know this is stupid. 2 of the skids texted tonight...a whole bunch of "love yous. miss yous" it was sick. they never talk to DF. one complained that she was feeling down bc she feels they are falling apart...well she could call or text more than once a month. The other one was like i saw someone that looked like you today...almost called him dad...she never calls or texts. maybe once every two to three months. I know i shouldnt feel threatened, but grrrrr!!!! I just hate that they exist, that he feels anything for them. I wish i could be a better person, the bigger person. I just cant. How do I deal with this stressor? I need to learn to cope with these feelings better. I cant really disengage since they are not around. any advice?

twopines's picture

If you figure it out, let me know. The adult brats just get under our skin and fester.

I'm thinking of turning it into a drinking game. Every time SD25 aka The Twit texts DH, I'm going to do a shot. j/k...maybe...

Sorry I'm not more help. Sad

Elizabeth's picture

Man, I would be drunk within the hour, if I timed it right. Have to pick a day when SD is actively soliciting money from DH. Starts with the text asking him to check her account balance. He does and text her back. Then she texts back a happy Thank you! all rosy and sweet. Then he text her back you're welcome. Then she texts him back about how there's something she wants to do. Then he texts back to ask what it is. Then she texts and tells him how much it will cost. Then he texts back to tell her he's transferring money into her account. It's 50/50 whether that gets a response because she now has what she wants and is done with him.

A week will go by without a peep from her, until she needs money again, at which time she texts DH asking him to check her account balance... You know the rest!

dodgegal05's picture

its okay, i think i could start pounding a beer everytime, i wouldnt drink very often, but that would mean i could get a buzz faster. but then id probably get mad at them for ruining my buzz.

sixteensmom's picture

Omg I love that. I don't drink much but wow. Maybe I could play until I spell INDIFFERENCE! And if I'm still reading here I'll keep playing till I spell DISENGAGE and FUCKING LITTLE ASSHOLES.

Over the top much tonight?

dodgegal05's picture

i think if we all lived in the same town, we be dangerous. I could definently use a a beer and someone to vent to that actually understands, in person. Venting on here is pretty awesome too. As far as over the top, no way. i feel way better after talking to you girls. I dont think id even try to spell, itd end the fun way too early. Wink

Mominator's picture

..........."You're better off saving your stress for real threats, like if they actually started acting like they gave a shit about their father and were making a move to reenter your lives, with more wicked behavior. That would suck."

That's what I'm enjoying right now.......PEACE & QUIET. Zero contact from the adult bitches.

I've told my friends, "if only those bitches knew, they'd be creating MORE havoc (with our relationship), if they DID stay in contact with daddy-doormat, rather than ignoring him right now". Best to keep it a secret.

dodgegal05's picture

The odd thing is that I do feel secure, he would choose me over them if it came down to it and basically already has since they choose not to be in our live. I am going to research some coping methods, maybe breathing exercises.
I always figure that they want something too. He says no, but I am cautious as well.