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NOt today, satan!

Sambolina1's picture

I haven't posted in years, but I do come and visit when I need a little pick me up in the adult step child department!


In a not shell, my adult step children are 24 and 26, and they were alienated from their dad by their mother since they were wee little ones. Now, the dirty work is done, and they alienate themselves with no problem. I guess she won all the battles, and the war.

in a not shell, my adult stepchildren are 24 and 26, and they were alienated from their dad by their mother since they were we little ones. Now, the dirty work is done, and they alienate themselves with no problem. I guess she won all the battles, and the war.

About four months ago, the 24-year-old called my husband and told him "fuck you, dad" And the older one sent him a message and said pretty much the same thing, but less eloquently. *biggrin*


at this time, I was still friends with the 26-year-old on Facebook, although I knew in my heart she was simply stalking me, she never liked anything, she would post nasty things about her dad, etc.


my son, who I share with my husband, is a senior this year, and we had his pictures taken professionally. They turned out so cute. The photographer asked my permission, and posted his photograph on her business Facebook page. Please keep in mind we live in separate states, and his ex-wife has zero connection to where we live now.


What does the ex-wife do, why, she goes to the photographers Facebook page, and Posts a rant towards my husband saying things like I sure wish that you would've done these kind of things for your daughters and calling him a shitty father.  Never mind that we got the girls pictures taken professionally nearly every year, and sent her a package of the photos. 


I deleted and blocked my stepdaughters at that point, as I'm sure she told her mother about the photo posted. I was done. I've been pretty much been disengaged for years but never a line drawn in the sand kind of way. My husband is also officially done. So proud of him. They may be blood but at some point enough is enough.  *bye*


So tonight, my son comes to me and says that my husband's ex-wife sent him a friend request on Facebook. Not today, Satan!


Then, the ex-wife sent my husband a message with a photograph of my oldest stepdaughter with her children, stating I just thought you would want to see a picture of our firstborn and her precious children. And then sent a picture of the younger stepdaughter, pregnant, and said here's a picture of our baby, we are anxiously awaiting the birth of her first child!


I have become cynical. But I know that the whole point of this is because my husband has finally disengaged. This was the first Thanksgiving he didn't send a message saying I love you I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving to the girls. He's tired of being treated like shit, and he's just not doing it anymore. And I don't think she can stand it. It's almost like she wants to reel him in so that he calls the girls so they can tell him "eff you" for Christmas.


The oldest one has always used her kids as leverage, we have zero relationship with them, but the funny thing is, we have reengaged with her ex husband Who is now giving us access to the grandchildren. We are planning a trip out to see our former son-in-law and his new wife and the kids in the new year!

jam's picture

The x-wife is very calculating. She IS trying to draw your dh back into their game of abuse. The x-wife uses terms of "Our First Born", & "Our Baby".

I would totally ignore that calculating, trouble making, pot stirring, child abuser! Yes I did call her a child abuser. Anyone that poisons their children against the other parent is an abuser!

Have NOTHING to do with her!

tog redux's picture

Now, there is a woman who is STILL jealous of your marriage 20 years later.  Very pathetic.

DH needs to ignore every word that comes out of her mouth, from now until eternity. Except for trying to file harassment charges as necessary.

Harry's picture

Stop the crazy train. Block them all ang you will not be getting any pictures or messages. You can never have a relationship with the EX and SDs   I think the SD sending the FU message saids it all 

MisplacedMom's picture

So wait, your DH is going behind his daughters back to see her kids via her EXhusband and his new wife?  That just sounds like a drama atom bomb looking for a place to land.  

shamds's picture

No we can’t have him be the centre of attention not even for a second. Exwife needs to make sure her pathetic, worthless and abusive/disrespectful kids are the cebtre of attention.

my husbands exwife has eldest sd24 make sd14 way more important than everyone like she is so helpless compared to my 2 toddlers... exwife realised how shit her 3 kids are compared to my toddlers and the fact her alienation backfired because hubby wasn’t putting his life on hold pining for them. 

He met someone who treated him right and got married and had kids... he didn’t let them think that his life was permanently on hold or that his world revolved solely around them

lieutenant_dad's picture

I bite my tongue with BM for DH's sake, but if she EVER came at my family, there would be hell to pay.

Not sure how I feel about going behind SD's back and using the XH to see the GKs, though. We tend to not like it here when ILs start working with the ex to have relationships with the GKs. Your DH is potentially going to cause problems for the XH and give SD fuel to alienate the kids from him because he is "colluding with the enemy". Your DH needs to think long and hard about his plan to see his GKs. If his wants to see his GKs begin to impede on the kids' need to have their father not alienated from them, then your DH needs to bow out. My issue with my MIL having a relationship with BM has never been that they have a relationship; it's that their relationship would cause problems for DH and his ability to parent his kids.