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How do I get someone to stop talking and

Mom2's picture

lying about me on Facebook. She is making up outrageous stories and getting Adult Sk's to go along with it. Skid's are extremely PAS'ed!

3littlemonkeys's picture

You don't. You cannot control anyone but yourself, so.... just stop going on her FB page. What you don't know can't rattle your cage, KWIM?

Mom2's picture

I have her blocked, but her "friend" sent me the posts. I usually don't care and friend normally wouldn't send anything but She felt I needed to know because BM is saying lies about me and using my real name.

3littlemonkeys's picture

Oh. Well, then, that sucks. As tough as it is, just ignore it. Can you block her "friend" too? Or is she your friend? Blech. I enjoy FB, but I have to work at ignoring drama that seems to gravitate to it.

Mom2's picture

unfortunately her online friend is my friend! BM does not know that we are friends. All Friend does is send me pics of SGK's. DH and I have ALL BM's kids blocked also. I was tired of seeing her Bad mouth is to whomever would listen.

duct_tape's picture

Def have an attorney send her a letter. Then, in the event she tries to pull any crap on your family in the future, you will have evidence of her flawed character. Also, print out the original entries made by her. Make sure the date is stamped. You can also send the link to the page, like a snapshot. It's electronic evidence.

I've used fb entries as evidence in court for something. We were awarded twelve thousand in damages one year ago.

mamamomo's picture

Just block the person then you cant view each others FB pages. My ex's gf was doing the same to me posting pretty bad stuff too but once I stopped looking for them she stopped posting and gave up. You are better than her don't let it get to you.

Mom2's picture

She knows I can't see it because she is blocked. It is the using my real name that bothers me.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Is she saying things about you that are opinions, or is she making up out and out factual lies that are harming you?

Like, if she's saying you are a skanky slut, not much you can do about it. If she is saying you're a convicted sex offender who enjoys perverted things with children, you might be able to sue her. (not a lawyer, just read a few articles on this.)

3littlemonkeys's picture

If it's just ranting/raving, there's not much you can do about it.
If it's specific, verifiable lies, then you can. However, you often have to prove damages. Sad Not so easy.

Jsmom's picture

You can have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter. That is usually enough to scare them off...