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wtf is wrong with my bf?

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

im bf is 27. SS3 was the result of a one-week fling w/ a psycho slut. bf has SS EOW and 4 weeks/ year.

in the winter, im with bf at least one night every weekend he has SS, most times...unless it's a friend's birthday or work related etc. however, summer's here and i know tons of people w/ vacation homes. i get invited up on the weekends a lot & i go.

it's not appropriate to bring kids bc no one else has kids there. plus, my friends and i party when we go away! not a kid-friendly environment. long story short, im going away this weekend again. bf has SS. when i told him about this, he FREAKED. saying i never spend time w/ his son and i don't love his son and "if this keeps up we're going to have a problem."

keep in mind, since it's been warm, WE have already taken the kid: to the zoo, to the beach, to an amusement park...(he had him for one of his full weeks) so, i never spend time with you guys?! i also promised him i would be with him the NEXT FOUR WHOLE WEEKENDS after this, whether he has SS or not.

how do i make him understand he's being ridiculous? i feel like i'm explaining wrong or something...or bf is just an idiot (he did have sex with BM...twice)

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

*just so no one gets wrong impression: bf did not have this "fling" while we were together. we've only been together 2.5 years.

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

i've thought that, too but in the back of my mind, keep thinking we can make it work. young, stupid love i suppose.

the thing is, i truly do love this kid & enjoy hanging out with them. but on my terms. is that unfair of me? it's not like i break plans with bf and SS--there are plenty of times i have happily told my partying friends "no i can't hang out on x day" because i'd made plans to hang out with him and SS. but if we never agreed to hang out & they're just sitting around the house all weekend watching disney channel, how can he get mad?

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

i think you're right Identitycrisis, but I feel like I have made the adjustments (giving up some weekends of partying, spending nights in with him and SS..which is cool) whereas he won't compromise. also, don't get me wrong, he takes care of his responsibilities first: has never missed a child support payment or weekend with his son buuut: on weekends he doesn't have him, he loves to party too, like many single fathers of that age!

i guess my real question is: how do i explain to him that he needs to compromise too? that he might have to spend a few weekends alone with his son if he wants to be with me?

jaakaa's picture

save yourself the agony and get out.. between the BM trying to control so many aspects of yalls life and the child support you are better off getting a man that doesn't have any children. it sucks if you are in complete love but if you are having doubts even if it is the smallest doubt gtfo

Namehere's picture

Sounds like you're making comprimises and he's makig threats. Take some time off to think about it.

OhGolly's picture

Get out while you can. DH had 5 kids when we met and we have 2 together. I'm only 23 too. By the time I realized the impact of being with a man with children, I was in too deep. Get out before you're in too deep as well! I know it's not the answer you were looking for but think about it for a while. Really.

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

Thanks guys! I am going to try to make it work for now...but I am going to talk to my bf about his attitude and explains it's his that needs an adjustment, not mine. If he refuses to change or he goes back into his old ways, I'm gone.

bm-needs-maury-povich's picture

hahaha, funny you should mention that monkeyseemonkeydo. my parents keep mentioning i should quit my job & take a trip to europe with the money i have saved.