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Wicked Witch STEPMOM!!

Chocoholic's picture

I've been out lately.... remodeling the house, back to school stuff, new job.... need I go on? Anyway, I am so mad right now! I am a stepmom and bio mom and my frustration right now is with my son's step mom.... she is a bitter psycho! My son is in the 5th grade (10 years old) and he goes between my home and his dad's (along with his stepmom).... the first day that I pickd my son up for my time, his step mom sent him to school wearing his kindergarden backpack.... a wool sweater (in 85 degree heat) and sweatpants.... needless to say my son looked silly and was embarassed all day long. Why does his sm do this? Because she hates me and so she takes it out on my son! I seriously want to meet that bit** in an alley.
She is bitter because she is ugly (think tennis ball round head, and huge unibrow), she spent 9 years working on her BA just to end up working at Walgreens and is jealous of me because I didn't finish highschool yet I earn more than her.... Her husband (my son's dad) says she is also jealous because she thinks I am pretty.... are you serious?? GET OVER IT! So, she follows me around and harasses me (even on this site) and has nothing better to do than take it out on my son. I just don't get it.... why won't she move the fuck on? She's married to my son's dad.... you know.... the big prize.... haha.... she has him.... I'm remarried.... be happy bitch!

luvdagirl's picture

Wow I have to say this seems a little backwards from most things I've heard. I am a stepmom, as for BB(in my case she has earned that B)I couldn't care less, I see no reason to be jelous, or threatened at all, never really have, but I guess some women would try to size themselves up to the ex, or maybe she thinks your ex still wants you - maybe he does but she really should look into some quality shock therapy if she's taking it to this level theres something twisted too tight there!

There is no reaon where logic does not exist

Chocoholic's picture

COMPLETELY backwards!!
She has been together with my son's dad for 10 years now and she STILL thinks that we might get back together! She thinks that if we have a civil conversation then we are having sex.... I don't know if maybe my son's dad says things to her that would make her think this or what.... all I know is that she is completely crazy....

Catch22's picture

Apart from being an SM I am a BM also and my sons SM does shit that erks me too. She tells my son to look after her two small kids and then gets up him if they do something wrong!! When I talk to her about it she says that maybe she is stricter than me?? Lets get this straight 'no one is stricter than me'!! Anyway, I do get along with them and I try not to say to much and my son is older now and has very little to do with them, but these things she does like the dress sense thing, that isn't jealousy thats just because she is stupid!! I mean really a wooly jumper in the heat? These are common sense issues. Get your son to tell his dad that she does this (or you tell him) and see if he can help her with the simple things, like appropriately dressing a child!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

WontGetTheBestOfThisSM's picture

I think its truly a rare situation where BM and SM get along, I mean really... we practically have an entire site dedicated to dealing with those crazy B$tches!! Ego has a lot to do with it, and I am the first to admit that at times my ego gets in the way too. I feel like since SKs live with me 90% of the year, I shouldnt be 2nd guessed by BM who virtually does NOTHING for them. I feel as though I shouldnt answer to her, period. Is that the right attitude to have? I have no idea. I dont really care, honestly. My house = My judgement, rules, expectations need to met and if they are not, then consequences will occur. I am def. more strict than BM, because she rarely sees SK its a freakin free for all when she does. They eat crap, listen to crap music and dont have a bedtime. Must be nice to always get to be the fun one. She is as miserable and self centered as one can get, and jealousy... whoooo, she has taken it to a whole new level. Its really sad, for her. My DH and I look forward to when the kids are old enough that we do not have to deal with her as much, till then I just take pride in knowing that while she may THINK she is God's gift to those kids - I am "The Upgrade" and thats that.

str8_trippin's picture

Man, I'm sorry to hear that she takes out her hatred for you on your child. That is absolute bullsh*t- pardon my french. It's time to kick your ex husbands *ss for not protecting your son from this spiteful, hate mongoring b*tch he calls a wife!!! UUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!! What is up with the jealousy thing though? Our BB claims I am jealous of her b/c she thinks I am "intimidated by her position as baby mama #1"!!! I had to laugh.*snort* Because I am sooo jealous of a psycho-has-been-baby-mama-who struggles with poverty b/c of alcohol/substance abuse. That is so rich. Yet she can't get over the fact that hubby bought me a nice car, we are finacially stable, and continually blames us for her lack of finances.DH supports 5 people on his income, and she can't even support one even with CS!!! No, it's not our fault lady, blame it on the booze,xanax and cocaine!!!

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."- Buddha

Mocha2001's picture

Choco ... good to hear from you. I need an update on the other situation ...

Stir8 ... same situation here, minus the booze and alcohol, but the rest is on the nose!

~ Katrina

Anonymous's picture

I am a BM and a SM and I don't get it:

first of a 5th grader is usually old enough to know how to dress them self and get them self ready for school, so what he was wearing when you picked him up from school and what back pack he had, how is any of this the SM's fault and 2nd where is the EX in all of this, this is your kid with the EX both of you need to discuss this issue and take responsibility.

the Jealousy thing I don't get it, How is a SM jealous of a BM? The ugly/pretty thing usually doesn't matter to grown women are you sure this is the problem? and making more money for women most women are not bread winners so I do not see how this would be a problem either. Sounds like there is more to the story.

Maybe you should find out what the problem is if you truly feel she is taking the issues she has with you out on your son.

Chocoholic's picture

My son is 10 years old and in the fifth grade and yes he does dress himself everyday EXCEPT the days that he comes home from his dad's house.... my son's dad works construction and leaves early and my son is left alone with the witch who makes him wear ridiclous clothing.
I spoke with my son's dad last night about the issue which is when I originally posted.... I was frustrated because this shouldn't be happening in the first place... this whole situation is such an absurd waste of time. My son's dad says he will deal with it.... so we'll see. He has told me recently that he will only be with his wife until their son is a little older because he doesn't want to deal with her antics. He knows she will use their son to get to him.... Nonetheless, I really don't care.
I agree that it is extremely sad that this grown woman does not like me because I am pretty and make more money than her.... sad, but true. This is not a typical 'grown' woman on any level.... this is an extremely insecure, jealous wreck. This is a severly emotionally disturbed person who truly needs to seek help.
I can't tell you how many times I have tried to discover what this 'woman's' true problem is.... I have attempted on numerous occasions to befriend her.... I have tried and tried and tried... but the fact is that even when there is no problem she creates a problem because she is most comfortable in dysfunction and conflict. I have come to terms with the fact that nothing I do will ever be up to her standards and I'm okay with that now.
My concern is no longer trying to get along with this woman.... my only concern now is protecting my son.

By the way, I am a SM as well and therefore I do understand (or think I understand) many of the feelings that my son's stepmom must feel. Its funny because when I became a stepmom there were many times when I would think (that must have been how Jennifer (my son's stepmom) felt!) I would love to compare notes with her and find common ground.... but I know that won't happen.... she is too jealous and bitter and wrapped up in her own angry existance.

Anonymous's picture

I'm sorry, but your son is HOW old?!?! You SURE that it was HIS stepmom that dressed him? COME ON! He's 10! Yeeaaahhhh..... I'll believe that one...

I'm a stepmom, I can assure you that a 10 year old is quite capable of dressing themselves, ie picking their own clothes, and I let mine... funny looking or not.... it's his decision, his clothes, his lesson. And yes, my SS has indeed picked sweats (as much as it irritates me too) for school... and guess what... His mother also 'thought' that "I" picked them. Um, no, he did. I just let him, he'll learn eventually that it's 100 and sweats, well, geeh that makes you sweat! LOL.

Perhaps the laundry wasn't done, perhaps he was suppose to be responsible, perhaps the angel makes it appear that his wicked evil stepmom did it so that mom could get upset... dunna know, but I tell you, there is always a reason. We can speculate but I think there is more to this than what meets the eye.

Mocha2001's picture

I'm all for the independence and letting them learn from their own mistakes ... My SS may dress himself, but he WILL NOT go out the door looking like a freak, or a rag-a-muffin while he's in my care.

Are you who I think you are Anonymous? What do you think Coco? Do you think it's her?

~ Katrina

Cruella's picture

You see my SS is 11 and yes he will pick out the wrong clothes at time but I am at the front door to stop him. He would wear shorts in the middle of winter if I let him but I don't allow that. He can make smart decisions on his own but I will not allow him to look like an orphan going to school. As a SM and a mother I won't have it because somehow it looks bad on the Custodial BM or SM. Never the DH aways the leading female. My SD is the absolute worse about picking out her clothes. I am always on her about what she is wearing. I could have purchased the nicest clothes but she would choose the ratiest rags she has. It is an issue for me but to be honest if you read my other posts my attitude is shifting to the I don't give a damn phase.

my3sons's picture

My SS is 7 years old and I pick out his clothes and then he dresses himself. I totally believe that she did it despite. My SS BM has him wear the most god awful clothes when he comes down here and I know for a fact that his dad and I and his grandma have purchased nice clothes for him that we have sent home with him. There are some moms out there who do think only of themselves and try to hurt others.

My SS's BM is about to become a SM as well and you would think that her thinking would change but she has been a SM in the past and it hasnt. Some moms are not meant to befriend. their loss!!

Catch22's picture

Anon is very insistant isn't she...what do you care once you have said your piece and been corrected by Choco?? Either a very persistant anon or a spiteful SM..??

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

frustratedmom's picture

Sounds like the "anon" person that read the post up above was pissed off. I think there's a possibility it could be her. Ya know you should go to your sons school next time and see what he's wearing and when you go have some backup clothing in case this happens again. That way you can make your son feel better. Obviously that woman doesn't have the brains to tell him to change his clothes and wear something more cooler. She probably wanted to piss you off.

Chocoholic's picture

Jennifer is posting on here under a new screen name (shes no longer using "Jisselle").... I haven't said anything because I don't care anymore.... it seems to be pissing her off that I haven't 'outed' her this time.... I haven't responded to any of her posts which are extremely specific and clearly about me and directed at me. Shes been signed on with her new name for 6 weeks now.... I just don't care anymore..... shes obviously extremely pathetic.... I think her dh may have found out too because something is up over there.... Plus she is not even trying to hide who she is at this point (by being EXTREMELY specific about things going on in 'our' lives). I just have a feeling that he dh caught her or something... I didn't tell him this time but I have a feeling that he found out on his own.
I'm not even going to get into who she is at this time... I don't care.... and hey, maybe she'll even pick up a few things from the good stepmoms on here!

Oh and Mocha.... Sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you, I just finished remodeling the house and started a new job (plus I'm a crappy friend) I haven't even spoken to my best friend in months! I'm one of those people that NEVER calls back and my friends always wonder where I am and if I'm ignoring them.... Its really nothing personal.... I'm just really flaky when it comes to that.... SORRY!

OldTimer's picture

Let me just ask, why does everyone jump to conclusions and assume that when there are anonymous posters that they are the SAME PERSON?!?!?! I'm just curious?

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Chocoholic's picture

They aren't all the same person (obviously)... It is however pretty clear when Jennifer is on here posting on my blogs under anonymous.... It was also obvious when Jennifer took on the screen name "Jisselle".... I am also aware that Jennifer is now posting under another screen name (in addition to anonymous) but am choosing not to make an issue.... The ones on here who recognize when Jennifer rears her ugly head are simply pointing it out.... most of the people on here seem to have a good grip on common sense and seem to recognize when it is obviously Jennifer posting and are merely pointing it out....