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What do you think about kids of rich parents?

Lizz741's picture

My BF and I separated after I told him I was not okay with his older kids living with us. I told him until his son grows up, I prefer not to be in a relationship. Yesterday we talked after a while and he confessed me something that left me shocked! 
He told me that his son's first car, which was a truck, cost him 50K *shok* Can you believe that!!!! It was basically his graduation gift after finishing University. But wait!!!! It's not like his son worked hard for anything. My ex BF sent him to private school growing up, he payed for his entire career, which was computer programming, and he gave him a trip to Taiwan as well after graduating. Man, I thought already paying for his entire education was enough but apparently he has transformed his son has to have more. My ex BF had the money for that because in the past he owned a business but still, why spend so much on a car???? It was his son the one that picked it and he wanted it luxurious. And my ex granted his wishes. One thing is to buy something you worked hard for and another thing is to get something with no effort whatsoever.

If I was handed such an expensive car, I wouldn't accept it. I'm just not materialistic and I do realize that poverty exists and there's people without food. I will feel guilty using my money on such these things. But that's just me. This explains why his son never functioned as a normal adult. He never did his own laundry and he still eats lots of candy, like a 12 year old boy. He grew up with everything handed to him. It's too late to grow up now, even if he has a career. He's used to relying on his father and that will probably not change. Right now he doesn't have the car because BM took it away from him. Apparently they used her credit to buy it and it's under her name. From what I know BM had a fight with his son so that's why she took the car away from him. 

tog redux's picture

I don't think all wealthy parents enable and rescue their children.  And not having wealth doesn't make you a great parent.

My parents paid for my college and I greatly appreciate it.

If BM used credit, then your ex didn't buy the truck for him, unless he's making huge car payments - which doesn't make him rich, it makes him stupid.

ndc's picture

My parents are rich.  I got a brand new car for my 16th birthday.  It wasn't a $50K vehicle, but it was a very nice car and was the one I wanted.  I still drive that car.  I worked when I was in high school, I launched, and although I'm currently a SAHM, I consider myself to be a productive member of society.  It is possible for rich parents to be very generous with their kids without ruining them.  Frankly, I think having rich parents is a good thing.

Swim_Mom's picture

I really get annoyed by santimonious stereotypes that all kids who come from wealthy families turn out badly and there is such nobility in not being wealthy. There are good parents and bad parents of all income levels. And not all wealthy parents spoil their kids with entitlement. Some tell them they will get a car when they work for it and buy a car themselves! Also in my experience I have found that it is often those who can least afford it, who live beyond their means. After all, part of accumulating wealth is saving and being smart and thoughtful with money, not just earning. 

DPW's picture

I grew up poor, around a bunch of rich kids, like mega rich. My best friend in high school was one of the filthy rich ones. Her dad owned a Jaguar car and they lived in a mansion on the water. In my opinion, it's not the possessions that these kids have  that made them spoiled, it's how they were parented. There are rich nice kids and rich spoiled kids. My best friend was not spoiled but she did not have to ask for any material possessions. Her family accepted me regardless of my poverty and if anything, did a lot for me. I had other rich friends like this. I can only think of one time where I witnessed a friend acting spoiled in front of their parents and the parents shut that sh*t down immediately. 

All that being said, I would have accepted a brand new truck from my mother. Who wouldn't it?

Rags's picture

I have the same expectations of behavior and performance for the children of the wealthy as I do for the children of anyone else.  I don't have an issue with paying for an education or giving a kid a new vehicle.   If the kid is of quality.

Different people have different resources and provide for their families differently.  Success is not a bad thing.


Livingoutloud's picture

BM bought her son a new car. Not your ex. In fact it's her car, she just let her son drive it. 

What do you care?