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Boyfriend told me he hopes his adult sons will help him when he retires

Lizz741's picture

I was talking with my boyfriend because he's very bad with money. He has no savings. I am worried as I don't want to end up supporting him when he stops working at a certain point. He's almost 50 now. So I asked what his retirement plan was and he gave me this answer: "Well, I am hoping my sons will help me out". So he has no plans and his retirement all depends on his sons.

I don't see how his sons are going to help him. The oldest son who graduated from college 2 years ago is living with his girlfriend but at her parents house!!!! Apparently he pays no rent because the house were he lives is already payed off. He doesn't get his own place and he's been there for almost 8 months. He used to live with us before and did not contribute financially either. The boy has no clue how the world works. 

I don't know. This just seems stupid to me. Boyfriend should not expect anything from his sons, especially his oldest son, since he raised him to be lazy and entitled.

tog redux's picture

OMG. How selfish of him to expect his kids to support him! When they can't - it will be you. 50 is not too late to start aggressively saving for retirement.

notarelative's picture

What high paying jobs do these future parent supporting kids have or will have that will enable them to do this?

These kids had better plan to remain single and childless. Not many wives want to support their non planning ahead in-laws. If his kids end up paying CS, after CS and the kid's own living expenses, I don't see anything left for the dad.

Harry's picture

Kids who can't afford to live by themselves are going to help out DAD.   Time to really think about your future .  You know if you stay you will be supporting DH

Rags's picture

IMHO the core question is... what do you see in this useless POS who will be nothing but a burden to YOU?


ndc's picture

Uh oh. Your boyfriend is delusional.  First, it doesn't sound like his sons will be able or willing to help him.  Second, it's just selfish and wrong to expect that of one's children. He needs to be aggressively saving for retirement.  I wouldn't hang around to support his sorry self if he doesn't put an austerity plan and an aggressive savings plan in place immediately and follow it. 

still learning's picture

I LOL'd just reading the title!  Oh sure they'd help; help themselves to free rent, his fridge, small or large dad loans (that will never be repaid).  DH had his oldest live with us for awhile to "help" with his side business. That was such a joke! I can guarantee that "Helping dad" is the last thing on those boys minds.  

Thumper's picture


I wonder if his adult kids know this.


Stepdrama2020's picture

Yea good plan BF, your sons are saving to look after dear Ol' dad. Paying no rent now enables to save for daddio because they are ever so grateful of all the good dad does for them. LOL

I have a bridge in Florida to sell to your BF . Gawd and good luck to him.