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Unreasonable request?

SecondBest09's picture

DH has his SS17 and SS14 50/50 Fri-Thurs. This is BM's week. I had a colonoscopy scheduled for 3:30 this afternoon and they said be prepared to stay 4 hours. DH had to go with me to drive me home.

We live in the school district so SS's come here every afternoon after school. BM picks them up after work on her weeks and brings them over for the bus in the morning.

So at 2:00 p.m. BM calls and says she needs the boys to stay with us tonight because she can't get them over here for the bus in the am because she has to take her boyfriend somewhere early in the morning. With the last minute notice, I started stressing about the fact I hadn't planned to have 2 extra for dinner, what if they don't have everything they need because this was sprung on them, etc etc. I got really upset that I had to deal with this bullshit when I was about to head out to have a scope poked up my behind to root around in my insides! So I went and asked DH if he could text BM and ask her to get a cab for boyfriend as this would be the least disruptive least in my book. DH acted like I'd asked him to tell her to shoot herself in the head.

Was it really an unreasonable request?

oldone's picture

OMG - has the man ever had a colonoscopy? That is no minor procedure. It's not like getting your teeth cleaned or even a pap smear.

Did you DH just dump you to go take care of his practically adult skids? Tell him to retrieve his balls from BM.

SecondBest09's picture

Oh he wasn't going to stay here with them, but I just didn't see why it was necessary at all for them to stay her for THAT reason. It's HER boyfriend (live-in) and HER time with the kids so SHE can figure out how to make it work in my opinion. That's why I suggested the cab.

He just doesn't seem to ever think about the impact her requests (which most of the time are simply to make life easier for HER) have on me and our household. He just blindly says "yeah, whatever" so she'll go away and leave him alone. THAT part I understand, LOL. But he can get her to go away just as easily by saying "sorry, call a cab, a friend, take him earlier, whatever. Not my problem."

But he doesn't. Sad

And come to find out....she worked it out ANYWAY and didn't need us tonight. So basically, she was calling him to confirm her "sure" thing before even bothering to try another alternative. Sometimes I just wanna scream!

Orange County Ca's picture

"He just doesn't seem to ever think about the impact her requests (which most of the time are simply to make life easier for HER) have on me and our household. He just blindly says "yeah, whatever" so she'll go away and leave him alone. THAT part I understand, LOL. But he can get her to go away just as easily by saying "sorry, call a cab, a friend, take him earlier, whatever. Not my problem."

Step parents often make the complaint about being second fiddle to the kids but rarely second fiddle to the bio-mother. As long as you allow it then it will go on. I realize the show is over by now but next time refuse or if this were to be repeated take a cab yourself - on his credit card of course.