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Tolerating the intolerable

Alapheria's picture

So BM has pissed off SD7 enough to where SD7 says she doesn't want to see her again. On top of not taking pictures of her with the girls (SD7 and SD5) but taking millions of pics with her son and niece, never doing anything fun with the girls, never making sure girls are properly fed during her time with them (always cut short) and constant flaking on her CO time and other things the girls are not aware of yet due to us trying to keep them from getting hurt emotionally, the girls told us BM's husband is mean to them. We go to handle it and BM tells them to get over it. Plus BM told SD7 she still loves my DH and it made SD7 even more mad. My other posts on here tell more of her stupidity and ignorance. I don't know how to handle her anymore.... any suggestions?

tog redux's picture

Has your DH talked to an attorney? None of that probably rises to the level of supervised visits, but maybe if she's neglecting them on her time.

ndc's picture

Good lord, why is a 7 year old hearing such things? Why are these conversations taking place in her presence?  Her BM must have no discretion or common sense at all.  Poor child.

Alapheria's picture

She has no respect for the kids at all. It's sad really. We try to hide as much as we can from SDs but BM always throws them in the middle.

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

uh oh. Sounds like you're about to adopt 2 full time roomates. 

Are you prepared for that? Strategies for coping/plans for behavior, etc? It's much different when they live with you full time.

Alapheria's picture

They already are my full time babies. DH has full custody with BM getting the girls EOWE which BM has shortened to EO Saturday from 9am-4pm when she feels like getting them. I'm already "full time mommy" since they live with us, I do everything from cooking every meal they eat outside of school meals, cleaning their clothes, helping with homework, going to parent teacher conferences, talking to SD7 about anything and everything (BM drama, school bullies, her "puppy love crush", etc...), making sure they're taking regular showers and tucking them in at night. I've been "full time mommy" for them since I came in the picture when SD7 was 3 and SD5 was 7months. The very little time BM has with the girls causes a surprisingly large amount of damage because of how she is with them and how she treats them.

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

It's great that you get along with them, but I'd air to the side of caution.

They will gravitate back to their biological parents, and away from you.

If you're ok with that, then disregard.

Alapheria's picture

Actually I want them to have a relationship with BM but unfortunately, BM isn't one to want any sort of healthy relationship with anyone

Alapheria's picture

Truth be told, (not the using religion on anyone so chill out) I feel like she needs to do what God says about Christians. Be hot (for) Christ or be cold (against) Christ. Not lukewarm. She needs to be for these kids or just disappear for good and stop hurting them. She strings them along like little puppets for her 7-14 hours a month show of "look at my precious babies! I'm such a good loving mother" but then says in front of them she doesn't want to raise them, doesn't want to be responsible for them and definitely doesn't want to be bothered taking care of them. My mom saw how BM handles the girls and said to me "damn... I put more time and effort into painting my fingernails". I told her "I've never seen you paint your nails" and she said "exactly!" Lol