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SD7's Attitude Makes Me So Mad!!

stepmom1989's picture

SD7 has a major attitude. Everytime I ask her to do something, I end up yelling because I have to tell her 30 times before she does it. I have asked her if shes deff because she just doesnt listen and does what she wants anyways. Then the other day I was watching a movie, other two SDs where in their room playing. Well SD7 was pasing around, finding every excuse to get up. I told her to sit down! Well she smarted off "well if you had it on cartoons, maybe I would!" I got mad and sent her to her room. This happens every day. She also has a bad habit of bossing her younger sisters around, she even takes over on how to draw correctly, which she, herself, isnt great at. It makes me so mad. Any suggestions?

janeyc's picture

A bossy boots, my Sd tries that, I threaten to stop whatever we are doing, unless she speaks to me nicely, as for getting her to do something first time, I say the second time, do it now or you won't get, a treat, trip out, she will soon see that it makes sense to do as she is told the first time, my Sd used to be a nightmare, ask her once clearly and concisely, if she dos'nt do it, then give her a warning, if you don't tidy your room you won't get any allowance, that should work. As for being bossy, explain it is not up to her to tell her sisters what to do, again give her a warning.

cmw's picture

my SD7 is the same way... very bad attitude like 'i dont have to do what you say' and all of that. rools her eyes.. mumbles under her breath.. its very irritating to say the least.

all i feel i can do is warn her that she gets no priveleges with the attitude that she displays, and its absolutely not ok to treat her mother in any other way than respectful..

but i imagine it wont change for many many years, if ever.. so i simply ignore her when she directs it at me. i dont have time for that