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Quite frustrating

Tessa1221's picture

So we have my husbands daughter for three days on three days off 50/50. Her mom always needs us to watch her so we pretty much had her for a week. So her mom took her on vacation for a week. Now he have her for another week before we go back to regular schedule. I seem to have no say of whatever decisions he and baby momma makes. I feel the we duke should of go e back after her coming back I vacation. This happens every time if she has her longer. Then we must have her the same amount of days. It's frustrating. What do I do

Tessa1221's picture

How is that 50/50 if we had her for two weeks she had her one week. When it's on and off three days

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

If I were you I would make her make up the time. If she is let to take advantage of you - she will - and it will only get worse. Especially if your DH has no back bone.

We had our skids weeks extra every single month for 6 1/2 years. BM would always refuse to make up the extra time and my DH was too afraid to push it. I put a stop to it this summer when I demanded she make up the extra time or I was filing for divorce.

If she is allowed to take advantage of you and your time - SHE WILL! Save your sanity and make sure it's always equal and follows your CO.

Good luck!