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Part two regarding my last post where SS13 hates everyone

Lynncoly86's picture

So I posted SS13 has been saying how he hates all people because all people are evil and hopes to build a death Sheen to kill everyone when he grows up. (See other post) 

Many people responded to get SS13 into therapy. Well SS13 has BEEN in therapy for 6 years with both a Social worker and psychiatrist. Since Neither have mentioned this at the therapy appointments and BM never said anything about it I'm thinking SS13 ONLY says this to DH and I. Why? He could be just being a little asshole to upset me or DH. OR like I said before DH's trying to push his Political beliefs on SS13 is backfiring some how. 

tog redux's picture

Has DH told the therapist about it? Would be a good idea. What is he diagnosed with?

Why is DH trying to push his political beliefs on a 13 yo? It's not like he can vote ...

advice.only2's picture

Perhaps your DH should work on his delivery of his political agendas to SS. It might be that your DH is contributing to this rage by telling SS things that are meant to incite feelings or anger and frustration.

tog redux's picture

The kid has been in therapy for 7 years and DH thinks it's just a "stage"? Kids aren't in therapy for so long unless their mental health issues are significant. And even if it is a stage, what's the harm in telling the therapist about it?