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Legally can DH do anything about this?

kathycrosbyvt's picture

SS15 has been in therapy for the last 10 years for mood disorders and ADHD. Yes he's on medication. He has a history or Severe behavioral issues and has hit both BM and DH. 

SS15 flipped out over something minor. When asked what IS really wrong this is what SS said. For the last 3 or 4 years BM has been "Coaching" SS15 on what to say to the therapist. SS15 said he's been feeling really depressed and angry for years BUT BM is telling SS NOT to tell anyone including the Therapist as they will think SS is crazy. Why in gods name would BM tell SS to hide his Depression/Anger? Could be BM is trying to get SS off his meds, could be she embarrassed thinking people think it's her fault? Who knows BUT could BM get into trouble with family court if we bring this to them? BM will of course Deny this. I seriously think SS totally cracked under the pressure of lying and holding things in for years that he would tell the therapist the truth. 

Opinions on this? 

thiscantbenormal's picture

Is he on Vyvanse?  I swear my husband's son had drug induced psychosis from that medication. He was so disturbing to the point an antipsychotic was recommended for years but BM refused to put him on it.

BM here coached the kids what to say in front of the court appointed counselor. The counselor bought into her drama but still acknowledged she was high conflict and obsessed with the need for there to always be something wrong with the kids. But the majority of their problems needed to stem from their dad. They were not allowed to share what chaos was going on at her house.

ESMOD's picture

I doubt this is anything that will be worth your lawyer's time.  You know that what you say he said isn't going to be really believed unless HE truly will be inclined to back you up on this with specifics.

Even if it is somewhat corroborated.. she wouldn't be the first person to want to minimize an issue.. medical or otherwise because they want to ignore it exists....  

I think really, all you can do is encourage SS to be honest with his therapist.. that is the reason why he goes to therapy to work through these issues.. and just like a medical doctor.. they can't help you if you don't help them understand what the problem is.

Mominit's picture

I think it would just be here-say (he said she said) in a court of law unless SS wanted to testify to it.  And even then, you haven't really solved the problem.  Would it be possible to approach the counsellor, and BM with a change in the way counselling works.  Along the lines of "now that SS is older, it's more important that he have a safe space then it is for his parents to know the details of what is going on in counselling.  Can we please introduce a signed letter that confirms that absolutely nothing that is said in these sessions will be shared with either parent or the court without SS's express permission".  Perhaps that would let him know that he can tell BM that he's following her orders, but within that room he is expected to be as honest as possible.


EveryoneLies's picture

Kids this age has certain privacy is that everything your SS said to the counselor/therapists get back to the mom? I thought the councselors only contacts the parents when serious red flags are spotted. And Even then, it will not be word-to-word transcript but summarized concern only. SS also has a counselor and we never hear a thing from her until IEP meetings..(perhaps no news is good news??)

BM is really not doing any favor to her son in this case.

ESMOD's picture

I don't necessarily get that she is in the room with him and the counselor.. or that the counselor is telling her anythign.  I think that HE is relaying what goes on and she coaches him how to act and what to say when he is with the therapist.