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I remember when I loved every Friday

notmyspawn's picture

Now I only love every other Friday. Anyone else have the SK(s) this weekend? I am trying to be positive about this weekend, but SK is already grinding on my nerves.

hereiam's picture

I am lucky, my SD is an adult, finally. But I remember those weekends. Vodka was my friend. Smile

StepmomDisgstd's picture

I hate 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays now. I particularly despise months that have a 5th Friday because that means I have to deal with SD back to back weekends. :sick:

Jellybeam's picture

I have a skid, but bio is going to exH's. I wont be around. Sorry Dh, you're stuck with YOUR child. I will be 60 miles away shopping til I drop!

katielee's picture

We have sd11 this weekend. I am also trying to stay positive. I went to the gym this morning. So far so good Wink .

OhioTeach's picture

oh yeah. these sunday nights are very relief-filled for myself and my dh. i only feel the urge to drink every other weekend!!

whatwasithinkin's picture

I used to love every other weekend too, now that SD17 lives with us, I hate every day 365 days a year

WhattaMess's picture

I have stepkid this coming weekend, I used to get anxiety before she was to arrive. Lately, I dont put much thought into it. She is 9 years old, she has zero control over my moods any longer. I simply will dismiss her from my presence if she is in a dramatic mood of everything is awful, life sucks, and everyone hates me.

Whatever, when you act like that, YES we do...but we always love you... We just do not like you when you act like a Drama Queen......

Be Gone.