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Entitled or what???

Tinalynn45's picture

So SS11 comes home last week and as soon as he walked in off the bus started Complaining about his gym teacher. He immediately informed me he was going to have a talk with “dad” Because the gym teacher made him miss lunch. When I questioned him about it this is what he said. The gym teacher who is a bitch(SS’s words) has this dumb rule(SS’s words) that you can’t get changed till ten minutes before bell rings. When SS decided to Disregard this rule and get changed away ways. So the teacher made him wait till everyone left before he could leave. Well According to SS He did not have enough time to but and eat his lunch. He then went on to inform me if he does not eat he gets Irritable And he may cause problems with kids because of this( this comes from BM making excuses for SS crappy behavior and never holding him Accountable for his mistakes) oh they get 35 minutes to eat. So Basically he wants SO to call the teacher and tell her NOT to do that again and she needs to let SS leave early because he needs more time for lunch. Yep no joke. I explained to him that is the teachers rule and other kids follow it so he is going to have to also. He got pissy with me and said “ I don’t care I’m not doing it and I’m going to give the teacher ugly looks”. This is not the first time SS has wanted SO to call a teacher out on something. WTH????

sunshinex's picture

Damn... I'm sorry for your luck. That is NOT going to be fun to deal with as he gets older... That is some SERIOUS entitlement in someone so young.

Does BM often call teachers to stick up for his crappy behaviour? Is that why he's asking dad to? That is awful... 

Tinalynn45's picture

If SS gets into trouble at school BM is right there to bail him out. She has 101 excuses for his behavior. He was tired, sick, off his ADHD meds BUT it’s never SS’s fault. 

notarelative's picture

Poor SS. His punishment was horrible. He had to be the last one to leave. How dare that teacher make a rule and expect all the students to follow it! (Insert sarcastic tone when reading above)

I hope DH told him to follow the rules and didn't call the teacher.

tog redux's picture

Sounds like my SS. Nothing is ever his fault, he's always the victim.  Reinforced by his victim BM.

Tinalynn45's picture

SS is 11 not 5. Due to the fact BM treats him like a 5 yr old and Blames his ADHD for all his issues he expects his parents to fix things he does not like. NOTHING is EVER his fault which I under stand kids do BUT SS takes it to Extreme. 

Rags's picture

Now this is pathetically funny. 

I laughed.  This kid is in for a major butt kicking by his peers as he gets older.  It can't come soon enough IMHO.