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Craziest clause DH allowed in the divoce decree?

MadeMyBed's picture

Ok, mine might take the cake, it makes me CRAZY, listen to this:

So years ago when DH and BM ("Psycho") were still together, Psycho got what a lot of women go through- abnormal cells on her cervix. She had one biopsy done and everything was fine. case closed, right? WRONG! Because in Psycho's head she had cancer!!! She told everyone including her kids!! She used it as an excuse as to why she was late or didnt show up for court!! Disgusting.

** Side note- I am going through the same thing now but much worse and I would NEVER pull the "cancer card".

Anyways, Psycho, as you can imagine, was an enormous biatch during the divorce decree negotioations. I wasnt with DH at the time but he really signed away a lot. One of the things in it is that if Psycho ever gets cancer in the "future" DH had to "provide" for her. WHAT?

What the hell does that mean? I just read that something like 1/3 of people get cancer in their lives! So one day, wheren they're both 70, DH has to pay her??? And how much? What if HE has cancer? The whole thing is so messed up! I cant believe he signed that! It angers me to no end. I know we will just be done paying CS and then we will have to pay that awful witch money. And how is it calculated? DUH!

** Another side note- after they were divorced and still in court proceedings, Psycho would use the cancer thing as to why she was late for court. Um, you know if she REALLY had cancer she would tell DH so he could pay! Obviously she couldnt pull that because she really didnt have it. duma$$

Can anyone beat this?????

MadeMyBed's picture

Is it that easy? You might have gotten the gist that Psycho is, ahem, "psycho" and would never agree to an amendment.

Asher10's picture

wow these are insane!I don't think I can top them.The dumbest clause DH signed was that would pay alimony to bm until sd was out of college.there isn't even a specific year for it ending.he's currently trying to get it changed.what an idiot.

MadeMyBed's picture

No, please tell me your crazy stories so I feel better! Smile
Yeah, DH always says "I HAD to sign it" and "they can never enforce it" and Im like "you cant pick and chose what to enforce in the divorce decree- we're not Psycho!" I just dont know how this will come into play.....augh- so mad!!! But you know what? Evil people dont get cancer so it will probably never be an issue.....AND she could get hit by a bus tomorrow }:)

Rags's picture

My wife and BioDad were never married so there is no divorce decree. The craziest thing was when she went back to add BioDad to the birth certificate. She did this on the advice of her parent’s geriatric family lawyer so that she could get CS.

In hind site, she should have just left him off of the birth certificate and kept he and the entire SpermClan out of the picture.

In my divorce from my XW there were really no crazy clauses in the decree. When she graduated from college her parents gave us a big chunk of money. I chose not to take half of that. In hind site I should have. I did most of her homework and wrote all but one of her papers for her last three years of college. The money we got from her parents for graduation should have all gone to me. I did all of the damned work.

But all of that is many years in the past now. SS is 18 and we have no reason to ever interface with the SpermClan again and I have been divorced for 20yrs and my XW is a long way in my past.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I can't believe a family law judge even allowed such an insane clause but I guess that if both sign it without disagreement, they just "okay" it and pass it along.

I don't think that they can enforce that either. That would be more in contract law?

purpledaisies's picture

Holy crap i can't top any of that. My dh had a great lawyer that refused to let him sign anything that crappy. She would call him and tell him that she got papers and it says this and he is not signing it that way and she already sent a revised one out! LOL I loved his lawyer! Anyway the craziest thing that is in the papers is that while a single man dh is not allowed to have a female in his home! Yep not even his own sister! LOL But he is not single right now. }:) }:)

MadeMyBed's picture

No, no alimony was assigned- just CS. Not that she didnt try! She'll never get remarried- men run in terror from her. I will ask DH's attorney about amending/clarifying- we're due back in court soon b/c Psycho is taking the child deduction and shes not supposed to (this "woman" is amazing, huh?)

Jsmom's picture

After last week's win for us, I learned a lot about this. BM was not entitled to any child support. According to our attorney, even if anything is in the decree, you can disagree with it at anytime and get a modification. DH agreed not to pursue CS from BM when SD14 turns 18 even though he is entitled then for SS12. But, he and his lawyer are planning anyway on taking her back then. They just agreed now to get the bitch to sign the agreement.

According to the lawyer even if he agrees to it now, he may not agree later and has the right to pursue a modification again. If he had what you have with college and a cancer clause in there, I would definitely spend the money to get that removed if she tries to enforce.