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Can I Choke Her Eyes Out Please?

WTHDISUF's picture

It honestly takes a lot for me to really dislike someone. I think growing up in a large household with different personalities helped me learn to tolerate just about anyone. So disliking someone to the point of wanting to gouge out their eyes and watch them dangle out of their head is rare but I feel that way about the Wildebeest.

In Jan, we went to pseudo-SS9 birthday party. At last minute, Wildebeest asked us to take him to an early lunch to allow her more time for the party location to be prepped. During the lunch, we kept trying to reach Wildebeest to get updates as party was within an hour, but she wouldn't respond. So SS9 casually mentions that she's probably busy at her bridal-shower. We were like "what?" Yep, turns out Wildebeest getting married Sunday Feb. 10 AND she is pregnant-due in Aug (on my bday ironically) and the guy has moved in with them. Her bridal party was the afternoon of 21st and his bday party that same night. She didn't bother to mention this major development. We asked her about it when we got to the party and she says "Oh yeah" as if it's no big deal.

This boy is about to have a stepfather and a sibling (which he's always said he didn't want). He's about to lose what little attention he did get as all focus is already on new baby. He's going to be only one in house with different last name. Poor kid has 2 Dad's now-neither of which created him. Yet she thinks none of this is discussion worthy. Smh

Anyway, we had SS9 this weekend and he asked DH will his last name change to Harry b/c that'll be his Moms new last name. We don't know her plans since she is not discussing it so DH asked her about that yesterday when we took him home. This B*tch gets an attitude and says "What? Whatever." DH was like 'Uhm, what? That's a legitimate question he asked & I didn't know how to answer him. What's the plan?" She nonchalantly says "If you don't want to Parent him anymore, that's cool".

I had to get in the Truck when I heard that or else I was about to lose it on her ass in the damn Burger King parking lot. All that DH has done for that b*tch and her son, yet she can dismiss him so readily as if parenting some other man's kid for 9 years was nothing but a convenience to her. And now that she has a new sucker, DH is disposable. I wanted to choke her F*cking eyes out. DH told her he'd discuss it later when she wasn't acting the fool, then we left.

I told DH that she continues to prove what I realized 2 years ago-that she doesn't respect or care about him as a Father-she keeps him around to babysit and buy sh*t for that boy. Any old dude would do as long as she got her way. DH actually agrees but says the kid doesn't know any of that so he's only looking at it from that angle, so he ignores her stupidity. To a degree, I agree with him-she's a P.O.S and kid needs a Dad, and I hope one day maybe SS9 will appreciate it but I doubt it. She's taught him to be as entitled and greedy as she is. All he does is ask for sh*t and try to manipulate his way when he doesn't get it--just like her. I really, really, really dislike her and the older SS gets, the less I can tolerate him.

I'll end this rant on somewhat a positive note: DH is showing signs of improvement. For one, he's pushing her to sit with him to tell the kid he's not his Biological Father. He will not explain the adult matters of her affair and he can't answer anything about the real Dad so he wants her around so they can gently tell him together. He wants to get things in the clear, help SS9 adjust to all the new changes in his life and not later deal him another blow by finding this out some other way. But as usual she keeps brushing it off but he told her he was going to tell him with or without her, next visit here. He even said if after that, the Husband wants to adopt SS9 so they can all have same name for the kids sake and all be the same race so no more questions/confusion from others, he'd be okay with it as long as he got to see him. But that if that happens, she can't ever ask him for anything else as far as money, etc (his own words). (Doubt that guy will make himself responsible). Finally yesterday after an exhausting weekend, he said 3 days Max is about all he can take of SS9 as he's becoming so much like his Mom, with all of his demands, arrogance and argumentative ways. This is positive to me because he rarely acknowledges the kid has any traits that need correcting or work. Going to be an interesting year...

Rant over.

Burntoutsecondwife's picture

No, but I understand why you want to! Try journaling if you are in to that at all. I've wrote so down right vicious things, but it helps me get it out.

WTHDISUF's picture

I think so Curly. I think he's secretly relieved that another Dad will be in the picture so it takes some of the edge off of him. SS9 likes the other guy as far as right now and that helps DH feel at ease. We don't expect him to take much of a role but SS9 will now have the family environment he wants so that makes DH happy.