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How to save my 10yo step daughter and husband from their own destructive behavior before it ruins our family

BlendedFamilyMom2022's picture

My new 10yo step daughter is manipulative, conniving, dishonest, fake and a bit of a gossip-trash talker in the family. She falsly victimizes herself and lies to turn family members against eachother. The hardest part is her father is completely manipulated by her.

He tries to coparent w me, but I feel like part of him doesn't know this side of his daughter bc she's so good about being a completely different, innocent victimized sweetheart around him. The other reason is, I feel he thinks if he admits his daughter isn't perfect, then it's the same as admitting he's a bad parent, which he isn't completely awful but he honestly knows just about nothing about parenting. It seems to be pride based instead of being based on her best interests.

She's so smart about getting under my skin while hiding it from her father, youd think she was an adult. She'll give nasty looks and sass right around corner or right behind his back. She lies on everyone in the family to make them look bad, to change the narrative so she appears the best or a victim, even her 4yo brother.

If you ever give her chores or scold her she calls all her family members to lie to get sympathy. She copies ppl around her as if she doesn't have her own identity or to fit in, but it comes across like she's trying to get under your skin or steal attention.  Everything has to be all about her, just like her father. If I have a headache she has a bigger one. If I get stung by a bee, she got stung by 3. If I have heartburn she has heartburn. If one of the kids wants a specific hair cut, she'll go with her grandmother and get that hair cut then tell my daughter no one can copy her hair.

She likes ppl to believe she's not safe w the adults in her life. If her dad finally gives her a tone, he's now unsafe and too hard on her. If I give her a chore same thing. She plays her father and family members against me and tries to play my own kids against me w outlandish lies.

If she sees a kid get reprimanded for something she set up or did herself she smirks. If she sees her father question me or interrogate me over something she said or something I said she did, she looks happy and excited. She has a stance and stares me down and my children (14 and 12yo) until we get uncomfortable, it feels like a death or murder stares.

She manipulated a story to her grandmother to get the word to us about her diaries, so I read them and it was severe cursing and talk of her doing anything to make sure her dad left me. To make it even more scary she's crushing on my son and so jealous and angry the feelings aren't reciprocated she on sabotage mode. She claimes he steals, but after going through her room she's been stealing from all of us and he refuses to look for himself. Another thing she wrote was that she's so mad she wanted to murder one of us. Her dad refused to read the diaries or look in her room. Later I realized that she was writing in several diaries and leaving them open and out in my kids room for my kids to read how much she hated them.

She refuses to bathe or change her clothes sometimes. She tells me no if I ask her to shower. If I ask her to clean her room she starts throwing things until her dad comes around,, then its sweet obedient daughter.

If she's remotely scolded she says she'll kill herself then smiles when her father is upset. She fake cries and her father doesn't even notice theirs no tears. If I give her chores she calls herself Cinderella or fakes illness and body pains later claiming she's slaved.

She takes my daughters handmade jewelry and art and cuts it up. I found her father's art from his youth destroyed in her room and her dad never said a word. 9 times outta 10 times she acts out, absolutely nothing is said unless I say it. If he does say something to her, he doesn't even use an authoritative tone. She manipulates him and negotiates out of obligations, or groundings until she gets her way and has her father apologizing and blaming himself for her behavior.

Now let me give you some perspective. The child's parents divorce 2 yrs ago, I came around the kids 6 months ago right before the mother died of organ failure as an alcoholic. She had been in her second chemically induced coma. Stories from everyone is her mother claimed the daughter and husband was so evil and hard to deal w that it drove the mother to drinking.  This 10yo has not once shown remorse or cried over her mothers death, NOT ONCE. The father, my partner owns a landscaping business and was never the primary parent and you can tell by how little he knows about raising kids. I have taken parenting courses, classes and taught parenting classes. I have spent 14yrs studying parenting and continuing to research the best ways of handling challenges w kids. Her brother is 4 and when I came into his life he was so out of control and developmentally delayed that he's now in special needs classes and being tested for autism. 4–6 mos I worked w him on weekends and now he's a completely different child. However, if I share w my partner parenting advice or tactics or ask if he'll read up on parenting he responds with attitude and gets upset talking to me in a condescending or patronizing tone. He has a hard time talking about tough things wo responding aggressively. It's all very wild to me. As far as his daughter goes, no one is remotely rude to this child. No one even raises their voice to her. She does a fraction of the chores and obligations as the other kids and is spoiled more. Everything is based around what she wants. Dinner, weekend plans, chores and entertainment. If she doesn't like burgers, wdoctor her wings. 6 months ago was the first time the child had been grounded or reprimand for anything In her life. Her father has such a hard time believing me that I'm scared to put my foot down out of fear he'll argue with me for hours or days at a time.. Im scared she'll come up w a lie that puts me in jail or has me and my children homeless. She's the only thing destroying my relationship and my home. Me and my kids are scared to be alone w her bc theres no telling what she'll lie about and how her father will react bc he'll believe anything she says even when she's caught red handed.

Before we met she called the police on her father and made false and exaggerated accusations that had him removed from the house and had to plea down the charge. All later proven she lied. Just before her mother was admitted into the hospital and died, she was facing charges and lost custody over lies this little girl made up. Like her mom being an alcoholic wasn't bad enough, this little girl has to make up insane lies.

I feel like the root of the problem is my partner not communicating with me in a healthy way and not being able to coparent productively staying on the same page as me.His disfunction is literally training her to be this bad, when he's not giving her bad examples hes enabling her behavior. 

What do I do to help this little girl before she gets to puberty and is completely out of control and help my partner parent w me before she breaks up our family?


Winterglow's picture

First off, cameras everywhere. Youi're going to need proof to show your husband that she really is as difficult as you tell him (and so that he sees her hypocrisy when he comes home) and also to protect yourself and your children from any accusations she might make. Do not tell her about the cameras.

Secondly, counselling for you and your husband to try and bring him onto the same page about parenting - possibly parenting classes too. Once he understands that discipline is necessary you can decide between you what is best (personally, I would remove everything from her bedroom, including the door, and make her earn things back, bit by bit, with good behaviour).

Thirdly, when she threatens to kill herself,  treat it like the emergency that it is and have her hospitalized. 

Fourthly, take her phone and remove the possibility of calling anyone other than you or your husband - there's no reason for her to keep badgering the rest of the family.

Whatever happens, she has to be knocked off of that pedestal and put back in her place as a little girl. She is NOT top dog.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

But this little girl could do serious damage to you, your children or your relationship with your children.  She's already made false accusations.  What if she reports you and your kids get removed from the house? What if she reports your son because she gets upset that he's not interested and then he has an accusation hanging over him or worse.  I'd leave to protect me and mine.

Evil4's picture

You don't have an SD problem you have an SO problem. 

This nasty piece of work already landed her dad in jail and court. I would not risk having my own children removed from my care. I would not risk having my son accused of sexual assault which your SD will be sure to do because she'll be pissed off over your DS not liking her back.

This chick is dangerous. She's been rewarded for what she does. She's been taught that what she does works for her. She's likely a sociopath.

Take your kids and get out before the sun sets today. Cameras in the home are not enough. She'll figure out ways around them. 

No man is worth this. 


CajunMom's picture

Nothing good will come to you from this man or his insane kid. Get yourself and your precious children OUT of that home NOW. Not later. NOW.

Ispofacto's picture

I'm sorry.  At her age, her personality is set.  Even in the unlikely event SO gets his head out of his azz and parents her, she would still be a narcissist.  Imagine what she will be like as a teen.

The only thing you can do is avoid her or leave.


ndc's picture

I would not try to "save" them. I would get myself and my children out of that toxic environment. Your husband is not on your side, and the SD is dangerous.  

AlmostGone834's picture

OP listen to what people here are saying. We have seen this happen, not once or twice but many times. False accusations DO happen and your son IS in danger! Get him out of that situation! 

Winterglow's picture

OP, please ignore my advice above and listen to the other ladies. They have a wealth of experience that I have not! Please take heed of what they're saying, they know what they're talking about.

BlendedFamilyMom2022's picture

I like your advice and feel like it's good advice to follow. If it doesn't work then I should obviously get out asap. 

Winterglow's picture

It might be good advice under other circumstances but as your husband doesn't have your back and believes his daughter is a little angel, I don't think it is. Your priority should be keeping yourself and your kids safe. Don't waste any time trying things that won't work - when your partner refuses to see how bad the situation is there isn't anything left to be done.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am always the first to advocate to save your marriage but you can't continue to live in that house. Cameras won't be enough and like others have said, your son is in danger of a false accusation. 

If you want to save your marriage, stay together but live apart. You and your kids need to get out of that house- NOW. 

SteppedOut's picture

OP, in the event you need one more person saying it - LEAVE. 

Seriously, you AND your kids are SCARED to be alone with her. 

To top it off, your husband sounds like a jerk. 


Stepdrama2020's picture

I agree with everyone else. Your career children could be taken from you . This girl is the worst Ive ever read.

She needs help. Do not make her your problem to fix. Ditto on dear ol daddio. They all sound insane.

SD will escalate her craziness, you know that. You and your bios are in waiting to be ruined. Dont let that happen

Id leave with my kids, then call authorites and alert them.

AgedOut's picture

you have to protect your children. cameras every where, stop interacting with her. don't tell her to shower, don't play into her games. Call her out the second she opens her mouth but really why are you letting our children go through this? if you think you should stay, can they go to their dad's so she doesn't lie or harm one of them and destroy their lives?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Nope, no way. This kid is hard broke and a danger to you and your bios. You have a duty to raise your kids in a safe, stable environment so get away from this mess ASAP. Love is not enough, and some problems are simply insurmountable. 

BlendedFamilyMom2022's picture

My SO is currently emotionally unraveling and lost his temper for 2 days now just from discussing his daughter. He's now degrading me for looking for advice on getting her and the family help. Prior to this week, he was mad at me at least 3 days a week over his daughter. Rn he is supposedly looking for these diaries he's known about for a month. I told him he should see for himself her jealousy of my son and saying she wanted us gone and wanted to murder one of us. We'll see if he's mad at me for that, too. 

ndc's picture

This is clear evidence that he will not have your back when SD makes her false accusations.  Please, leave this man and get yourself and your kids away from his evil daughter.

AgedOut's picture

This ^^^^^^^



He has just told you that he is not going to protect you or help you protect your children. Protect them yourself. Can their Dad take them to live w/ him? you have to get them out before something horrific happens. If you won't leave your husband, send your kids elsewhere to live. 

Kaylee's picture

Sociopathic kid.

Emotionally unravelling SO

Why are you sticking around?


thinkthrice's picture

For RUNNNNNN for the sake of your children!!!!!

Do you want harm befalling your children? At the very least your children will RESENT YOU for subjecting them to this nightmare.   There is no such thing as a "blended" family.  When you blend a family, someone gets creamed, and that would be your children.

Here is the money statement: "and her dad never said a word."  Daddykins will turn a blind eye even if you set up cameras and will become offended and defensive to the point of becoming physical, if he hasn't done so already. 

He will come down HARD on your children for the smallest of things, examining them under the proverbial microscope whilst letting his demon seed get away with murder (quite possibly literally).

You will not be able to turn this ship around.  Unless you want a life of pain and despair for YOUR CHILDREN and you,  heed the RED FLAGS and EXIT YESTERDAY!

You have been warned.