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Pumpkinhead (OSS) Just Turned 24 Years old

thinkthrice's picture

He's working in a low rent grocery store and recently the HousesHitter (YSS stb 18)  as well as the Animal Torturer (SD stb 22) posted a photo of him in a wheelchair with one of those hospital bracelets on his wrist (being discharged from the hospital) surrounded by YSS and SD.  NO idea what he was in for although he looked very well.   Seeing that he was a bit of a hypochondriac in the past and the Gir had a touch of the Munchausens, I immediately thought about Simpleton21's SD!!

The Girhippo posted in response  "My Fun Beautiful Babies!"   Soooo she still views them as infants. 

Looking at my countdown clock for CS to end on the HousesHitter... (goes to 21 in this state, sadly)


Chmmy's picture

My youngest son is 24 also. He's a college grad, has been working as an actuary since he was 21, just passed his 6th actuary exam and is in the process of buying his first house. Even though he is a COD, my bios never acted like it. My ex and I co-parented and I did most of the parenting and he had my back. Every. Time. There was no trying to be the favorite parent ro the best friend and I now have an actuary and an engineer, both independent, both gainfully employed(although the older one is still suffering from his head injury in April 2019 and my have to take some time off).  Sometimes when my DuH fucks up, I literally yell at him. This is not that hard!!!

Hope that AwesomeSon is doing well !!!!

thinkthrice's picture

Great to hear about other SANE divorced parents who didn't lower expectations to the basement for their COD kids!